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Old 12-14-2014, 02:22 PM
Elvis 3.0 Elvis 3.0 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Tampa, FL
Posts: 196
Elvis 3.0 is on a distinguished road
from most of the things I read on the e53 forum you seem to be on point on all counts ( if they in fact apply to the X3). The Bentley Manual will be a pretty good investment to refer to if you don't already own one. As far a replies, in the X3 board you may see a lot of tumbleweeds pass through before you get a reply. Lots and lots of crossover info on the e53 board.

Glad to hear everything is working fine!
'14 X1 7000 miles

Hasta luego a

'10 X3 3.0 55k miles
'09 335i 55k miles
'08 528i 94k miles
'09 Mini 88k miles
'06 X5 3.0 112k miles
'04 X5 3.0 128k miles
'99 528i 120k miles
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