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Old 01-08-2016, 07:58 AM
Moments Moments is offline
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Originally Posted by ArmyX5 View Post
I am having this problem with my driver side headlight. As soon as I turn the headlights on, it will start flickering. I am not getting any error codes and I already switched the bulbs. I need to swap the ballast. I know this is an old thread, but I am hoping that these guys found the cause of the problem.
I've got similar headlamp problems which started with the low beam warning. Offside headlamp would start but went off after a couple of minutes. I swapped igniters, and the problem stayed with the offside light. Swapped bulbs, and it stayed. Checked the physical condition of the LCM - water ingress can be a problem for the connectors - all good. Scanned for errors, took a log, then removed bumper and swapped the ballasts. The problem moved to the other side, so I've had a replacement ballast shipped (from a Mercedes dealer, as it was the cheapest route and these Hella ballasts are generic). Will fit in the next day or two and post some pictures.
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