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Old 06-18-2017, 04:11 PM
4.8iS Le Mans_NZ 4.8iS Le Mans_NZ is offline
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Location: Auckland, New Zealand
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Originally Posted by bmw5 View Post
The actuator bought from amazon was fitted and the car runs perfectly!All warning lights are now off
Glad to hear this resolved your issue.
If you don't mind me tagging onto this thread, I'm looking after a friend's 2005 X3 at the moment and his car has a similar issue.
Lights are off when car starts but they come on after about 2-3 minutes of driving.
I found this suggestion while searching online and wondered if anyone else had experienced the same scenario, i.e. worn tyres causing the ABS system to go haywire due to different rolling diameter and wheel rotational speed.
Warning light problem for BMW X3 - Telegraph

The car I'm looking at has two front tyres of a different brand to the rears and they're worn almost to limits, while the rears have plenty of tread - seems to fit the above scenario.

2004 X5 4.8is - Le Mans blue/Cream beige
1994 E31 850CSi - Sterlingsilber

1987 BMW E28 M5 - Delphin-metallic
1976 BMW E3 3.0Si - Arctic-metallic
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