12-27-2018, 03:50 PM
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Melbourne
Posts: 14
Originally Posted by Kiwi.x5
Finally removed the centre resanator and replaced it with a h pipe.
Love the sound...have been pissing about since I got the beast about doing this....should have done it two years ago.
Cost $185 ...time...two hours...
Big thanks to magoo mufflers in Invercargill; New Zealand .
Sent from my SM-G389F using Xoutpost.com mobile app
Pics/ audio?
Current Garage:
2005 E53 X5 4.8is
1999 E39 Alpina B10 4.6
1989 E34 Alpina B10 3.5
1988 E32 Alpina B11 3.5
1987 E32 Gattermeier Motorsport Slingshot Seven
1985 E28 Alpina B9 3.5
1983 E24 635CSI
Waters Co Australia