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Old 01-16-2019, 02:10 AM
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yes_its_neil yes_its_neil is offline
Join Date: May 2015
Location: Port Lincoln South Australia
Posts: 198
yes_its_neil is on a distinguished road
As far as I can see from looking at, the transfer case is the same in the manual and the auto. It does seem that there was a period in 2006 & 2007 that there was a different part number though. - Part Search

Critical as you are probably already aware that the front and rear tyres need to have the same rolling circumference, any discrepancy there will result in the transfer case working overtime.

I have read over the years that a loose or incorrectly sealed gas cap can trigger a check engine light, though I have never experienced it personally.

Good luck getting it sorted.

2016 X5 3.0D
2009 X3 3.0D
2005 X5 3.0 Diesel Sport (sold)
2007 320i (sold)
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