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Old 12-10-2019, 04:24 PM
pawelgawel pawelgawel is offline
Join Date: Nov 2019
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Posts: 29
pawelgawel is on a distinguished road
yeah, I have to say I got lucky! everything runs very smoothly now, no leaks, and I finally figured out my electic issue with the GM5

how didn't i see the option before blows my mind... using PA soft 1.4 in ZKE, I went into REPROGRAMING section and it has 4 options, including Safe Transport Mode and Normal Standard Mode.. one click and the interior lights came on! everything works now.

Can't believe this took me so long to find... I was about to buy a different GM5 so I took mine out to check it out and take the part # down.


So before you go out and get another GM5 module or waist more of your precious family time, check to see if you don't have "Safe Transport Mode" on. I don't know how it went into this mode, but I suspect it was when I disconnected the battery.
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