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Old 01-23-2021, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by AVB-AMG View Post

I am also disheartened to hear about the snafu of someone, (who exactly, has not yet really been determined), ordered the National Guardsmen to leave the U.S. Capitol building and relocate to a parking garage. Thankfully, that order has since been rescinded. It is also very sad and frustrating that over 200 National Guardsmen have recently tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Clearly, seeing the photos of so many Guardsmen crowded together on the floor of the U.S. Capitol rotunda and basement, many not wearing face masks, makes this revelation not very surprising. I hope better and safer temporary sleeping accommodations can be made for the reduced number of National Guardsmen who plan to remain in Washington DC for the next several weeks.

Also, I think you are making a big leap in blaming President Biden directly for this snafu. We are only a couple of days into this new president’s administration. Odds are that President Biden will make his share of unpopular, unfortunate and bad choices and decisions over the course of his term. I think I will give him the benefit of the doubt right now and then pick and choose which of his choices and decisions he makes that I firmly disagree with before I take the time and effort to criticize him for them. The National Guardsman snafu is not one of them…..

The violent protests in Portland, OR on election day (night), by far-left protesters was most unfortunate. Like you, I condemn any criminal desecration or destruction of public or private property by any so-called protesters, which should result in arrests by LEO’s and charged accordingly. We know that there are bad, violent extremists on both the far-left and far-right. Most Americans do not condone either. The small clashes and violence in Portland, while wrong, do not compare to a far larger mob of Trump supporters involved in the insurrection and violently storming and desecrating the U.S. Capitol building, that resulted in the deaths of five people. Try to keep things in the proper perspective….

You claim to be an independent, Christian, disabled veteran and Trump supporter….Ok. From your comments, (i.e. Geezer-in-Chief), I can guess that you are not someone who voted for President Trump.....Ok.
I can and have made some assumptions about you. Some may be correct, while others possibly not. While we may disagree on our political views, I respect your right to express yourself and your opinions, in a civil manner. I enjoy doing the same on these type of special interest threads on internet blogs. Ideally, I most appreciate it when the posts by others creates a dialogue of differing points of view and do not turn into a echo chamber bubble. I have learned much from how others see the same things I see, but have a different interpretation and point of view. Sometimes, I have even changed my mind as a result of hearing their side.

As far as “What’s the Matter with Joseph Biden?”….. nothing yet. FWIW, I am very hopeful and confident that we will see more positive things from him and his professional and competent administration, than negative things. Time will tell…..


Yes, very unfortunate situation regarding the men and women that sacrifice for this country. I hope president Biden does not lose accountability of his troops ever again. It’s mistakes like this one, that can cost soldiers their lives. Let’s hope/pray none do as a result from their mishandling.

As for the blaming. The now majority and media has taught us over the last four years to blame the president for everything. We’re suddenly supposed to stop a way of thinking overnight, just because of a leadership change. This may possibly be the new normal.

Keeping things in perspective, I am not going to debate the rioting any longer. Everyone knows when it started, and it obviously hasn’t ended.

I am not an independent, nor am I registered to vote. I made that decision while serving my country. I am not a Trump supporter, nor a Biden supporter. From what I hear, Cheeto-In-Chief was the last administration’s nickname. Now their floating around, Geezer-In-Chief. I personally think it’s all silly, but again this is what we’ve learned over the past few years. Human beings are not a light switches. You have to take account for what they have been teaching us lately.

Assumptions are not a trait that I practice. I am not going to assume anything about anything. I am likely to engage in dialogue with you, or any member here for that matter, albeit civil. Although, I am sure there will be many disagreements. But that is what the forum states, “Politics Forum, The place to discuss and debate all things related to politics”.

I am not registered to any other forums, blogs, social media, etc. This is the only social media platform that I am registered to. Only because of my E53. I wish I hadn’t discovered the political section here but, it is what it is.
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