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Old 02-17-2021, 03:23 PM
Proflyer Proflyer is offline
Join Date: Sep 2014
Location: Denver
Posts: 95
Proflyer is on a distinguished road
You'll get odd issues if your battery is dying and/or wasn't registered when replaced. Walmart sells the H8 AGM platinum for like $170 which is a steal and it has a 4 year replacement warranty. Stop by any autoparts store and have them test it. If the battery tests good then put it on a solid charger and charge it up until it's 100%, then do a battery register and you may fix your issues. Careful if you swap the battery though, as that for some reason can fry the FRM. Negative cable off, tuck it out of the way, then take the positive sides off. Reverse order when putting it back in. Pray for the best.
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