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Old 03-20-2021, 03:37 AM
X5champagnebimmer X5champagnebimmer is offline
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Passenger Window jammed inside frame

Hi there, i used this thread to open passenger door on my X5 e53 door which would not open (it worked, thank you) and while trying to fix the window (which was stuck in the bottom position) discovered the window was actually jammed inside the frame of the door. See pix 1.
Name:  F86C17ED-F12F-49B7-9968-D63CA0C6D71B.jpeg
Views: 352
Size:  87.5 KB in the photo, you can see that the window goes under the metal frame of the window as opposed to keeping clear of it.
My handle stays partly open because the latch(?) sits on the window itself because the window is probably 1.5cm too much towards the jamb of the door. (Pix 3)
Name:  5A485BA6-E5B9-4457-A3E5-89FBC18268B9.jpeg
Views: 372
Size:  62.3 KB
The bottom hinge is actually dislodged and the window is completely stuck in its position. See pix 2
Name:  3763949D-B837-4A6A-BD1D-CF92F8894964.jpeg
Views: 345
Size:  69.7 KB
Even with my 2 hands i could not move it a millimeter.
I removed all the bolts securing the 2 guides and the bolt securing the motor. I can now move the window 5mm up and down but not sideways(which you need to unjam it). Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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