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Old 08-04-2021, 04:02 PM
E53Envyy E53Envyy is offline
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E53Envyy is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by andrewwynn View Post
Take an audio recording of the left turn pop. There is a different possibility that is distinct to left turns under power especially tight and show turns you want to exclude.

The front drive shaft can come out of the transfer case spline and pop to the next spline. It's a distinct metal "tink tink tink" sound. Not crunchy like CV joint typically is but want to make sure that's not your sound before you reeplaced the wrong part.
Hmmm, that could be it. I remember reading about the issue on early model X5’s but I thought bmw solved the issue during the facelift. I have a 05 4.4 if I didn’t mention earlier.

Ok, when I get home from work I can bolt her back up and see if I can record the sound. Not looking to replace the wrong part!
2005 4.4 x5
2004 330ci
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