Originally Posted by crystalworks
Have you done your differential fluids? Front/Rear? Not sure it fits your symptoms, but that front diff sees a lot of heat and the fluid gets really nasty.
As far as the trans. If it is a 6HP. You could attempt a service but just a drain and fill. Do not machine flush. If you are sure it's the trans causing your issue, I'd do the 4 tube seals, the bridge seal, and then fill it up with Valvoline Maxlife ATF (has to be multivehicle). Be sure to follow the fill procedure.
^ But that's only if you have exhausted other possibilities. If the trans dies (mine did when I threw a hail mary at it after the E clutch bushing failed), paying someone is very costly, if anyone even wants to touch it. Shops act as if ZF transmissions are magic black boxes. I did it myself to replace on my wife's diesel and it still cost near $1200 in parts. More if you include the "while I'm in there" parts list.
So, if I bought a tube of the shudder fixx stuff, and put that in without loosing fluid, that would tell me definitively if this is from the transmission or not wouldn’t it? It seems like that would be a very easy and inexpensive thing to rule it out.
If that tells me this is from the trans, maybe at that point it would be safe to change the fluid? Thought on that?
Thank you!