Originally Posted by hamza
Thanks for the tip.
Whatever it is…. It’s not a small drain when it happens. The reason the GROM turned off again is because the battery was completely dead again. In 2 days. With a 4amp trickle charger connected to it!!!
Trying to recover the battery again and hoping i won’t have buy another new one.. and then will hook up my new Bluetooth data logging multimeter to see what the current drain spikes up to.
The short was bad enough to torch a few cars, but shorting in there can easily hit the phone wiring etc..
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"When the Team Chief said.... You're trapped in a hole with nothing but a goat and a slinky, what do you do? Stubby said, I'm not sure but it won't end well for the goat...." ~(Overheard) Last day, Phase 3, Q Course