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Old 03-02-2024, 09:42 AM
Themoog Themoog is offline
Join Date: Nov 2021
Location: UK
Posts: 164
Themoog is on a distinguished road
Ok, so I’ve not checked those fuses yet as it’s raining all the time. I have however, scanned the car when it was cold before starting. Only the ignition was on.
This time-
DD CAN timeout ASC/DSC
DC CAN timeout, electronic transmission management (EGS/AGS)
78 signal, vehicle speed
80 CAN BUS monitoring
82 CAN ABS/DSC signal
81 CAN timeout DME
20 wheel speed sensor front right transmits no signals
21 wheel speed sensor front left transmits no signals
68 steering angle sensor internal

Some of those may be explained as the car was stationary I’m not sure.
I took it for a drive for 30 min and it drove ok.
The heater blower motor would not work at all and the hill decent switch was illuminated and would not turn off.
No lights on the dash.
During the drive I reconnected my scanner but it would not communicate with the car at all.
Got home and switched off. When I restarted it was in trans failsafe mode with no speedo or rev counter and the temp gauge was right over in the red again.
Something is going on that I can’t figure out.
Anyone around the globe got any ideas?
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