When this happens you can usually get the secondary lock to unlock with enough tries, by using the keyfob to lock/unlock (just one press unlock then try inside door handle) if it doesn't work no point in Seville unlock attempt, relock the doors and try again. You can try the emergency egress also where you lock with the keyfob twice white inside the car then while holding the central lock button down to disable the secondary lock pull the inside handle to unlock. If the button pops up, use fob to unlock before open the door to disable the alarm.
If the secondary motor odd completely failed you have a rough day ahead of you. You can find the pinout and use a couple 9v batteries in series to apply extra voltage to the secondary motor both directions to try to get it off the dead spot and unlock one more time.
2011 E70 • N55 (me)
2012 E70 • N63 (wife)