Originally Posted by X5chemist
A pressure switch has arrived. I'll take a look at accessing the compressor. If it's going to take time, I might just put it in the garage for more maintenance. I need replaced the valve cover gasket. While it's off, two upper new O2 sensors too. I've thought about doing maintenance on the VANOS system. Either replace it or have it rebuilt. How long do VANOS systems last?
The dryer sock will be replaced. A can of A/C flush will clean the lines and condenser. My big air compressor will flush it and dry it.
Don't forget to put it under vacuum... Don't ask how I know that too... [emoji1787]
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"When the Team Chief said.... You're trapped in a hole with nothing but a goat and a slinky, what do you do? Stubby said, I'm not sure but it won't end well for the goat...." ~(Overheard) Last day, Phase 3, Q Course