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Old 11-28-2024, 12:56 AM
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EODguy EODguy is offline
Join Date: Jun 2018
Location: Saudi Arabia/Philippines/USA
Posts: 4,073
EODguy is on a distinguished road
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Amazingly today the temperature dropped to 50f and it rained (yea!) although the wife is making dinner for 40 single troops and it's supposed to be at the park outside so her acceptance of anything screwing up her plans has now led me to wear my body armor... (yea?!)

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"When the Team Chief said.... You're trapped in a hole with nothing but a goat and a slinky, what do you do? Stubby said, I'm not sure but it won't end well for the goat...." ~(Overheard) Last day, Phase 3, Q Course
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