Thread: NavTweak
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Old 06-23-2006, 07:46 PM
nitramluap nitramluap is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 89
nitramluap is on a distinguished road
So far, I believe that...
- rom_col_1 is for the blue colour scheme, and
- rom_col_3 is for the brown colour scheme.
- ALL 12 colour profiles are look similar, except for the colours under the 'colours for widescreen' section.
I haven't tested this out more as I've got far too much real work to do at the moment. In a few months I will have a good fiddle though

I guess this means that we could in theory have a 'night mode'. If we made the rom_col_1 the day mode and rom_col_3 the night mode, switching between the two would mean changing the Colour Setting in the Set Menu.

It almost looks too easy! (which means it could be...)

What would be nice (Dear nomad, oh guru, if you're listening ) is if we could have some 'preview' images which display next to the colour changing window so that we had a rough idea of what exactly we were changing. Some of the names aren't exactly obvious!

Paul Martin

Last edited by nitramluap; 06-26-2006 at 02:48 AM.
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