Well I bought a set of old glue style lights to mod for mine so I was able to take my time... and they came out great! The ones in question are my original ones with the new style glue that feels like an RTV or urethane. I went to home depot earlier to get a caulk and RTV glue eater/dissolver to try releasing the glue........... the bastards were out!
And as far as trying to cut away the glue, there is no way to even get to the glue with a tool without destroying the housing/lens. It is fully encapsulated in plastic and there is as much on the inside half of the channel as the outside half of the channel.
" When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all" (Bender, futurama)
You make something idiotproof, they'll make a better idiot
You think professional is expensive, just wait until you pay for amateur.
Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.
Examine what is said, not who speaks.
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RIP 4.6is.....
2003 4.6is