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Old 01-01-2010, 12:31 AM
mojo719 mojo719 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Kansas
Posts: 20
mojo719 is on a distinguished road
Exclamation serious gremlins

switchman... don't think its the lug nuts... just had all new tires put on... it was the same before and after the tires were switched out.

but everyone... here is what started happening tonight.... what a way to end '09....

when i turn off my headlights, my trunk opens up. when the lights are on... you can operate the trunk latch switch... but when the lights are off nothing. i'm thinking there is water or corrosion but its 1. dark outside and 2. 10 degrees F. so I don't really want to start tearing things apart right now. has anyone else experienced this... or have any ideas where to start hunting the problems down?
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