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Old 12-27-2005, 11:41 PM
mguhler mguhler is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Central PA and Cape May NJ
Posts: 59
mguhler is on a distinguished road
pretty easy

need torx(sp?) bits to remove screws behind door lever, under arm rest, and pop off trim from door handle and undo those screws. Gently slide your 5-in-one or whatever flat bladed tool to start popping the plastic connectors all the way round the outer edge of the panel.

Take your time and be careful no to force things. I replaced the speakers upfront, so i did it twice, once to figure out what size speaker, second was install. Everything is intact, but I can see it's possible to snap something or break something you may regret.

Once you get in there, it's pretty easy. Good luck!
2011 X5 50i: ZCW, ZPP, ZPS, ZRC, ZTP
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