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Old 10-19-2011, 11:41 AM
Dr. C Dr. C is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Posts: 13
Dr. C is on a distinguished road
My 2004 3.0 is in the shop as I write for a similar complaint. I first noticed a vibration when accelerating through about 20 MPH but more recently it is most noticeable when accelerating from 60 to 70. Feel it through the steering wheel, accelerator pedal, etc. Vehicle has about 103k miles. The dealer first diagnosed the cause as the transfer case (found some shavings) but upon replacing it (not cheap), the vibration remained. They have now concluded that it's a worn/damaged drive shaft, which they recommend be replaced. Of course, the part needs to be shipped from Germany, so I'm in a holding pattern for another week or so. I can let you know whether a new drive shaft solves the issue when they get it in/installed.
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