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Old 11-01-2011, 07:14 PM
Elvis 3.0 Elvis 3.0 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2011
Location: Tampa, FL
Posts: 196
Elvis 3.0 is on a distinguished road
Whistle Any help with the back door/quarter window?

Hi All- this is a great write up and pretty straight forward. I am the 1,000,000,000th victim of this BMW crime against windows and doors. MY problem however is it is the back door. This write up shows the front door being opened with the the wire. ANYBODY had any luck with the back door and getting around the quarter window once the rod is inserted into the door?

To belabor the facts, my locking pin on my back driver's side door pops up and down when the central locking unit is depressed, the window is fully operable, but I cannot open the door. I cannot even access the panels to get into the door because (obviously) it is shut closed. Any ideas / advice / thoughts are welcomed.


PS- Huge fan of this site and all that contribute.
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