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Old 03-31-2013, 10:06 PM
ard ard is offline
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Originally Posted by zorinanataly View Post
I am looking for parts for E70. Really need help, cuz I am a woman and not good in all these things)) I would like to have secondhand original parts, preferable from disassembled vehicles for parts. Does it happen in Canada?
So there are numbers of parts I need:
17 11 7 585 036 1unit
37 11 6 783 037 1 unit
31 10 6 778 015 2 units
31 12 6 771 893 1 unit
31 12 6 771 894 1 unit
18 20 7 544 809 3 units
11 36 7 583 208 1 unit
11 36 7 583 207 1 unit
36 14 6 792 829 2 units
I would appreciate your help.

I am not going to go through the whole list, but I can tell you that there is a reason suspension parts need to be replaced: they wear out. Buying USED parts and paying to put them in (or messing with it yourself) only to find they are failing, or in the best case you get only a limited life out of them, is foolish.

Source NEW parts, use high quality OEM (ie not BMW, but the companies that make BMW parts, like Lemdorfer, etc) and you will get a better job.

Having said that, my personal experience is that auto dismantlers tend to charge quite a bit, and if you shop at a on-line BMW dealer (, etc) you only save 20% by using used parts. Typically not worth it, IMO.

What are you fixing/doing? Crash damage? something else?

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