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Old 05-20-2013, 01:37 AM
craigsx5 craigsx5 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Sydney, Australia
Posts: 21
craigsx5 is on a distinguished road
Wink My X5 E53 drivers front door stuck shut inside and out

Thanks to Brian in Ireland for this fantastic post, I was able to open up the door using his coat hanger device.

I then played with the striker mechanism with the barrel of a screwdriver and noticed that it was a bit gummed up with dirt/dust and sometimes didn't release when pulling on the handles.

So, I sprayed a liberal amount of INOX lanolin spray into the moving parts of the striker mechanism from the side of the door......then tested repeatedly, using the screwdriver barrel to reset the latch.

Now all fixed..............took 10 minutes!

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