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Old 01-09-2006, 11:05 AM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: X5world
Posts: 54
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Setting the Absolute Volume Level on the Navigation System

Contributed by: X5world

Setting Absolute NAV Volume

If you have tried adjusting the NAV volume by going to the Menu, Settings, NAV
Volume, and it still isn't loud enough, Try this:

1. Turn on the Ignition to Position 1 (Accessory power).

2. Turn on the radio, and adjust the volume to a normal listening level.

3. Press the right round knob to clear the "Accept" legal page.

4. Go to Menu, Settings, NAV Volume, and press the right round button. Adjust
the NAV volume to the maximum and see how loud the NAV wench is. Setting this
now will also allow an easy way to check the new settings when we finish.

5. Turn the Ignition off, then turn back on all the way to Position 2 (Run) this
time, but do not start the car.

6. Immediately Press and hold the rectangular "Select" button found on the right
column of buttons. Hold for at least 15 seconds.

7. Briefly release the "Select" button and then press it again until the submenu
Titled “SERVICE” comes up. Navigate this sub-menu by pressing the button under
the "Select" button that has the < arrow and the > arrow on it. Please note that
the country settings in the service sub-menu has no effect on the NAV, and
changing it will not change feet to yards, or remove the “Accept” legal screen.
It will change the radio band, and give you a Euro group of radio functions. FM
works OK, but AM does not work at all. Pretty cool to play with if you dare.

8. Select TP-Volume. This setting has a value range of -9 to +9. Use the
station/track selection buttons on the left column of buttons. The button
labeled "1" makes the value less, "2" makes the value higher. I selected +9. You
can alter this later if you don't like it. This setting establishes the NAV
wench absolute volume.

9. You can also navigate to the speed-sensitive volume level by pressing the <
or > arrows to get to the GAL selection. This item has a value of 1 - 6. Press
the number button on the left-side column (1-6) that you want to set this at. I
set it at 5. This produces a marked increase in volume at speed to compensate
for increased road noise due to speed.

10. Turn Ignition off.

11. Turn Ignition back on to Position 1 (ACC).

12. NAV volume is probably still selected. Just adjust the right knob and see if
you like the volume change in the NAV wench's voice. Also notice that it will
completely mute the radio when the NAV wench is speaking if set at or near MAX.
If you don't like anything, just follow the instructions and adjust to your

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