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Old 01-09-2006, 11:05 AM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Pasadena, California
Posts: 215
Echoi17 is on a distinguished road
X5 OEM Running Board Installation

Contributed by: Echoi17

Hey everyone, I just got my brushed aluminum running board installed recently. Here are the pictures for people interested in using the pictures as a reference guide to DIY installs. Sorry if the directions seem kind of general. But the install is pretty straight forward. If anyone needs the part numbers to this, it is listed in the X5 Catalogue. And for those of us who live in the US and have the 4.8is, you guys need to also purchase the fender-flares seperately from the kit. I made that mistake and needed to wait and order those parts. The part numbers for the flares are found in the European Catalogue. And a final word of advice, try and purchase a rail gun. If you don't, it gets really frustrating trying to put the plugs in without breaking them. Good luck.

The first thing you need to do is to remove all the rail plugs from under the wheel gaps and the current side-skirts.

Upon removing the current side skirts, screw on the main peice of
running board. Just to let you know ahead of times, do not tighten the
screws all the way as you will need some room to slide it around a
little to match up the gap between the running boards and the

Slide both the front and rear fender-flares in and then line the running board up so that everything is evenly lined up.

Now tighten the screws to the main running-board up.

Attach the lower side-skirt underneath the running board.

Put all the new rail plugs back into the openings within the wheel gaps
and under the running-board side skirts. When everything is in place,
use the rail gun to push the plugs in.

Finally attach the thin strip of plastic that goes above the running-boards to cover the screws on top.


BMW X5 OEM Running Board Installation Instructions

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