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Old 01-09-2006, 11:05 AM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: X5world
Posts: 54
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Parts List for Face Lifted BMW X5

Contributed by: LeMansX5

Here are the part#s and prices provided by crevierbmw.com, in case you
go that route. May be you can get even better deal. The person I know
who changed the looks took the money from insurance and got it fixed on
his own.


Part #DescpriptionQty.Amount
141-35-7-121-007SIDE PANEL1$233.60
241-35-7-121-008SIDE PANEL1$233.60
451-11-7-129-297BUMPER TRIM1$348.00
863-12-6-940-173HEAD LIGHT1$352.00
963-12-6-940-174HEAD LIGHT1$352.00
1063-13-2-492-179SIDE IND. LFT.1$14.80
1163-13-2-492-180SIDE IND. RHT.1$14.80
1263-17-6-920-885FOG LAMP LFT1$79.20
1363-17-6-920-886FOG LAMP RHT1$79.20
1451-13-7-124-815GRILLE LFT1$48.60
1551-13-7-124-816GRILLE RHT1$48.60


lorenzo_X5_4.4i on 2005-03-22

Example of a 2002 X5 updated with the 2004 Facelift front end

(RF article)


Additional Information thanks to TommyX:

If going with a 4.8 nose, the price is doubled from what is listed. 4.8 nose is one piece, with no separate bottom piece, like the 4.6.
Side markers do not need to be changed.
Any X5 that uses the H11 fog light bulb can reuse that housing in the facelift version. They are the same.
New fog lamp covers are missing from the list.
Tow hole coverings on the front nose are missing from that list.
Fender to nose clips are not included in that list.
The top grilles for the hood are a two part system consisting of the cover grill (top) and the leaf grill on the bottom. If you're going from non sport to sport, this is quite expensive. P/N's are the same for the
grilles 2000-2003 and 2004-2006 but the silver coloring between 04 sport front grilles and the old 2000-2003 top grilles is off. It might be due to
age but it was quite noticeable for me.
Headlamp washing system can be transplanted from the old nose to the new, except the washer covers and a few other minor parts.
It has been suggested that the radiator support and front bumper support be replaced. I have successfully done my first and second facelift without doing this.

A conversion light unit adapter harness is necessary. Available from Zulu95.


BostonbluX5 added this to the Face-Lift Article.

If they do not have PDC, I would say yes. If they have PDC, there is a small fitment issue with the front bumper (not sure if its only with the 4.8 version) but I think the new "facelift" PDC corner sensors I ordered from Morristown are the solution. They are shaped differently than the prefacelift sensors, which I guess stick out farther. I just ordered them today so I'll let you know if it solves the problem.

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