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Old 01-12-2006, 03:46 AM
LVR LVR is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: DFW
Posts: 992
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Icelink Plus install guide from Business CD to Console Bin (INCLUDING BLUETOOTH)

I tried to create a guide in the articles section without success so please excuse the location of this. I decided to do it as there wasn't an article detailing the front install that I could find.

Installation of Icelink Plus to standard Business CD (INCLUDING BLUETOOTH)

The Dension Kit contains a simple wiring harness and Ipod cradle. The object here is to install the wiring harness from the rear of the standard Business CD to the centre console bin, without major trim removal.

Please note I have sourced some photos from a post by Tom G of eas as there was no point in duplication. Thank you Tom

You will need:

flat blade paint scraper
1/2" drill bit
3/16" or smaller drill bit
side drive (ratchet) phillips screw driver
2mm or similar allen key
2.5mm or similar allen key
tin snips or sharp cutting knife

Time required:
Approx 40 minutes

Skill Level required:
You can read, and look at pictures

Remove volume control knob by simply pulling it out. You will find a small grub screw that secures the MID in place.Insert a 2mm or similar allen key and turn the screw anticlockwise until it stops.

Grasp the volume control spindle and gently lift out the MID. The MID is locked in at the opposite end of the volume control knob so you will need to 'rotate' the unit as you pull it out.

Remove the data input cables by depressing the raised ridge (1) to the front of the grey lever and push/undo the lever (2). The cable will eject.

There are a further two grub screws requiring a 2.5mm or similar allen key located on the lower fascia at either end.
Undo these until they spin freely.The CD unit can now be pulled out from the dash

Unclip the aerial by depressing the raised ridge and pull.
Unclip the cable harness by depressing a small tab inside the black lever then open the lever upwards, drawing the harness away from the CD Player.


There are two Phillips drive screws located on the upper portion of the climate control unit located within the dash. Loosen the screws until they rotate freely.Remove the Climate control unit. Do not disconnect as this is not required


Move left seat to the forward position. Use a small paint scraper or flat tool to pry the rear most centre console panel open.

The clips will pop out easily without damage by spreading the leverage along a flat tool.

remove panel by working forward and pressing the panel outwards. The front edge of the panel clips to the next panel.

Move the seat to the rear and continue releasing the panel. Remove the next forward panel the same way. NOTE: The front leading edge is secured by a visible screw and will need to be removed.

Open centre console bin and grasp the forward edge and lift. The bin is not secured.


Cut the black plastic clamp around the cable and extend the smallest connector to its' full length. Attach the S video adaptor (long grey adaptor) to the cable.

Feed the adaptor down through the Climate control opening and around the plastic ducting (1) to the lower front section of the centre console as shown. Draw the adaptor down (2) and connect the Ipod cradle to the adaptor as shown below.

Install the new harness to the rear of the CD unit and connect remaining harness to the original vehicle wiring.

Reconnect MID and insert Ipod into cradle. Test operation of Ipod/sound control etc by turning on ignition and use CD setting.

Disconnect MID and Ipod cradle.


The bluetooth pins are located in the lower right corner of the existing harness connector (1). Unclip the whole connector by pressing the small black tab and simply swap it over to the new Icelink harness (2). Bluetooth sound functionality is thus continued.


The Ipod cradle has a plastic mount that can be screwed direct to the interior of the bin. Test fit the mount to the cradle and modify if necessary by widening cradle hole with a small file set. Be careful to retain the shape.

Mark out placement by using the mount as a template to the outside and drill pilot holes from the outside.

NOTE: be sure to allow enough room for the lid to close without touching the Ipod when sitting in the cradle.

Install the mount.

Cut a hole for the cable connector in the face of the bin and feed through.

Replace the centre console bin and feed the cable connector down through the gap to the side of the console.

Join the cable connector to the console. Ensure all connections are correctly seated as this may affect sound transmission.

The component reinstallation is now the reverse of the removal.

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