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Old 03-22-2017, 02:48 PM
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: CDN
Posts: 45
jeepo23 is on a distinguished road
Hehe, should of updated this thread but I'm a bit more active over on bimmerfest.

Yes I did, after further looking into the whole HVAC control stuff turns out thats how they were shipped to Canada as the base model. The electronic HVAC was an additional thing. Also the difference between the US and CAN model is about 60HP. The USA has the SI model and we got the I model.

Besides a couple of issues the water pump let go on me last month so I replaced that with the thermostat. And then couple of weeks I noticed the battery was on its last leg so I swapped that too.

The other unfortunate issue I have is my drivers foot well is always wet. I've cleaned the sunroof drains, I re-did all the vapour barriers like a menace but I am still getting water in the front drivers footwell.

The other minor issue I have is the bluetooth appears to work sometimes and some times not. I click the voice button and get the voice prompts through the car speakers. It goes into the phone mode etc but I hear nothing, if I dial someone they can hear me talk back to them etc but I can't hear them inside the car. This comes and goes..

Thing performed quite well in the Canadian winter, I ended up grabbing some BMW wheels for winter use as well.

Now I am looking at doing some spring maintenance stuff (spark plugs, cleaning MAF, vanos solenoids, brake fluid) along with a good detail of it on the exterior.
I replaced all the fluids - diff, t-case, transmission and oil change is coming up in a couple of months as well.

Here is a couple of shots of it back in Nov.

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