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Old 03-30-2023, 12:44 AM
Join Date: Jul 2017
Location: Owensboro, KY - USA
Posts: 136
270_BMW is on a distinguished road

Hello Everyone!

First time making a new thread in the X3 section; did some digging around and figured it would be best just start up something new.

Background; I recently purchased a low millage 2007 X3; single owner detailed service history at BMW dealers... some how ended up at auction, couldn't believe the deal I got on it and started doing research on the usual suspects for this model.

Coming from several years of E53 ownership, I felt comfortable jumping into such a low mileage vehicle to figure out what problems that the owner couldn't solve before getting rid of it.

It started nice from cold; would even drive; short of a squeaky ac compressor and the 4x4 lights coming on seemed like a pretty direct solution based on the post in this forum... go to turn the car off... notice all the lights are staying on... and the car won't turn off. Flipped the ignition back to off and removed the key... stayed running. At this point; went to pull the negative off the battery to kill the engine.

Upon pulling the rear cover and getting to the battery... there is salt all in the bottom of the compartment. Further investigation shows this at first glance pristine interior is actually crusted with salt. You can see water residue three (3) to four (4) inches up the transmission channel hump in the middle of the cabin. Seats are inoperative.

Checked the CarFax again.. somehow I missed that in October 2022; a junk title was issued in Florida... I had gotten two vehicles mixed up and thought it was one I was watching with a clean title. There weren't any hurricane's during this duration as it was serviced just a week before a certificate was issued.. so I think someone may have had a little too much fun in margaritaville and backed it into the ocean rather than it being hurricane related. Once this is all in the past I'll see about changing the title out since this is going to be a personal vehicle I have no problem with it being branded as a rebuilt.

So this brings me to my current situation; I've found a donor car not very far away with some significant miles on it and I intend to take two (2) to make one (1) and keep the donor for parts. Harvesting the electrics out of the donor for the flood should get me where I need to be; but I am trying to figure out exactly how far I need to go.

My plan of attack is as follows:
-Remove Seats
-Remove Dash
-Remove Console
-Remove Door Panels
-Remove Headliner (for leak and drain channel examination)
-Remove Carpet
-Document / Remove Electrical Systems below water line
-Clean interior of cabin, removing any salt and residue,
-Coat interior metals where ocean water exposure has occurred
-Strip Donor Car to same level
-Transplant Electronics / Wiring Harness that were removed
-Clean Carpet
-Roughly Reassemble Interior to where it can be started and test

Does anyone know what critical components are below the carpet? I have the full exploded diagram for the E53; but I don't have any resources for this new X3.

Is there anything particular about the X3 that varies from the X5?

I'm curious to know your thoughts.

Will document with pictures once I get started; probably this weekend.

Here we go!
Auto Enthusiast. Tech Extraordinaire.

05' Land Rover LR3
06' E53 X5 3.0i
07' X3 3.0si
08' X3 3.0si
17' Interceptor 3.7 AWD Sedan
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Old 04-09-2023, 07:06 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: GB
Posts: 430
getty150 is on a distinguished road
Here we go is spot on... !
My favorite...

Compare once you think your complete...
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Last edited by getty150; 04-09-2023 at 07:13 AM.
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electrical, nightmare, salt, salvage

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