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Old 03-04-2011, 10:57 AM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Calgary, AB
Posts: 13
bogthebasher is on a distinguished road
I got a call from the service department yesterday and the advisor said the vehicle needed a new Differential. He said he would have to order it from Germany and it would take two weeks to arrive and asked what I would like to do. I said they should probably order it and fix it - (wondering how else to respond). In any case I recall seeing threads in other forums about multiple differential replacements to the point of being out of warantee and then having very expensive repair bills however don't remember if that was specific to the X3 model. Anyhow this is looking like a lemon to me and no matter what I will be getting rid of it ASAP. Hopefully the dealership will help out in that regard because I think this may be an isolated case (unless there is a known diff issue out there). If not the Auto Show is in YYC tis weekend and I my alternative is to move to something like a Q5. Not sure why but neither sales managers at the dealership will consider a trade up to an X5 for me. I don't see a down side for them - more sales, more cash flow. Happy(er) customer. Feedback more than welcome.
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Old 03-04-2011, 03:32 PM
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I don't recall hearing about a string of differential failures on the X3. I did a quick search, and found two examples. One was in South Africa, and BMW covered it after a review of the service records showed that it had been recently worked on. Another was suspected differential failure, but turned out to be a wheel bearing. There have been some transmission issues (jerking, etc), and a few transfer case failures that have been blamed on different tire diameters, rightly or wrongly.

The dealer should explain to you exactly what is wrong with the differential. Assembly error maybe? I wouldn't call it a lemon, but I would want them to explain what had happened to satisfy me that it wasn't going to happen again.

The dealer may help you out with a discount on a new vehicle, but I wouldn't expect anything like you simply paying the increase up to an X5. Your vehicle depreciated as soon as you drove it off the lot, and it is a discontinued model that was being cleared out at significant discounts as the new X3 is out now. You will likely be offered wholesale used trade value for it. I'd keep it, as it would likely be a painfully expensive trade.

Good luck.
2007 X3 3.0si, 6 MT, Premium, White

2008 535i, 6 MT, M Sport, Premium, Space Grey
2003 X5 3.0 Steptronic, Premium, Titanium Silver

2002 325xi 5 MT, Steel Grey
2004 Z4 3.0 Premium, Sport, SMG, Maldives Blue
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Old 03-05-2011, 01:33 PM
Join Date: Jan 2011
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bogthebasher is on a distinguished road
My impression is they are guessing on this one. They just don't speak to me in technical terms. It's not like I am worried about cost repair, I genuinely want to know. The first time they spoke of driving short distances in cold weather (like that is somehow my fault) and now they had no feedback at all. Anyhow either they will help or they won't; if the latter, I'm out.
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Old 03-09-2011, 12:28 AM
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bogthebasher is on a distinguished road
Update: My service department opened a new PUMA for this case which has accepted. Sales has said the will work with me which is all I asked for.
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Old 03-11-2011, 10:15 AM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Calgary, AB
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bogthebasher is on a distinguished road
Update: BMW replaced the differential as per PUMA 44236082 yesterday. Parts list:

Qty. FP number. Description
1 31-50-7-544-478 Puma Info Case Requ
10. 83-22-9-415-960 1/10 liter final drive
-1. 31-50-7-544-478 Core return

Description of cause: frt diff leaking from case halves. Needs frt diff. Need Puma case for replacing of frt diff.

It is cold-ish again this morning (-17C) so one more day to see if anything happens then it looks like spring is arriving in YYC so won't really know if this is permanent until November.
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Old 04-17-2011, 01:52 PM
Join Date: Jan 2011
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bogthebasher is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up Bump: Dealer Update

Met with both the Service and Sales manager's this week. They confirmed they had seen one more issue identical to mine (replaced the diff) since my experience. This time it was an employee of the dealership. They didn't know if it was something that changed in a small parts run or?? Bottom line they confirmed for me that I was correct in my very first assertions about the issue. They then worked with me to move up to a deal on a 2011 X5. I will be taking deliver of it in the next week; the deal basically works out to taking 100% of the dealership profit out of the deal - and it is very significant ~10% off the top of any pricing you can imagine. All in all I believe that my dealer and BMW Canada has restored my faith in the brand and have stood up and backed me as a valued customer... after all I will be driving away in another awesome BMW!
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Old 04-17-2011, 02:15 PM
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Glad it worked out.
2007 X3 3.0si, 6 MT, Premium, White

2008 535i, 6 MT, M Sport, Premium, Space Grey
2003 X5 3.0 Steptronic, Premium, Titanium Silver

2002 325xi 5 MT, Steel Grey
2004 Z4 3.0 Premium, Sport, SMG, Maldives Blue
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