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Old 08-30-2011, 09:07 PM
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Clarksville, TN
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Our05e83 is on a distinguished road
My X3

I got two things going on i'm looking for a bike rack for our 05 and the second thing is my inside lights next to my driving lights don't come on at all even when i reverse. Anyone can help with either
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Old 08-30-2011, 11:37 PM
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Welcome to the forum!

I can't help you much with the bike rack. Do you want an internal (in the cargo area, rear seat folded flat) or the external hitch mounted rack?

Depending on what kind of headlights you have (xenon or halogen), there may be little function for the inner lights. They function as the flash to pass high beams, and as the DRL for North American vehicles. For vehicles with bi-xenons, the outer headlamps work as both the dipped and full (high) beams. For halogen vehicles, the inner headlamps are the full beams.
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Old 08-31-2011, 01:53 AM
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Bike racks are exactly the same story for the X3 as the X5. There have been a lot of posts on this in the E53 forum, so suggest you read there and do a quick search on bike rack. You will find photos of lots of options. I used my current rack on my E53, and then moved it over to the X3.

If you want to carry them inside, you really don't need a rack. I figure the inside rack BMW offers is a bit silly, as it takes up all the load space.

If you want to carry them at the rear, suggest you use a hitch-mounted rack. I would use the OE BMW receiver hitch, and a Thule or similar rack. Look for the designs that have a tray that the tires sit in. I don't like the ones that the bikes hang from, as I found the bikes moved around too much. Some like the simplicity of that style. If you don't otherwise need a hitch, it can get expensive to buy one just for a rack. Advantages are easier loading and unloading.

I personally don't like hitch racks because I have high end carbon road bikes, and I don't want them in the low pressure zone collecting grit behind the vehicle. If I had mountain bikes, which get dirty anyway, it would be less of an issue. I use a Thule roof rack with Thule 450 Crossroad attachments to the BMW rails, square Thule load bars, and a combination of Thule and ATOC carriers. I have them all keyed the same, which is handy. Issues with roof racks are underground parking (I have to take the bikes off outside), and reaching up for them (I am tall, so have no issues, but some may find it less convenient).

There are BMW bike carriers, but BMW doesn't actually make them, they buy them and add a markup. Look for Thule or Yakima over those, IMO. Both Thule and Yakima have good web sites with configuration tools to build a custom rack for your vehicle. My best pricing has been from RAck Attack, not sure if that applies to your locale though.

Couple of shots of the current set up (the tandem carrier is convertible for either the racing tandem or a Cervelo R3). There is plenty of room to put three carriers on my current cross rails, with wheel holders. With four carriers, I would likely remove the wheel holders, or get slightly wider load bars.

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2007 X3 3.0si, 6 MT, Premium, White

2008 535i, 6 MT, M Sport, Premium, Space Grey
2003 X5 3.0 Steptronic, Premium, Titanium Silver

2002 325xi 5 MT, Steel Grey
2004 Z4 3.0 Premium, Sport, SMG, Maldives Blue
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Old 08-31-2011, 05:33 PM
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Our05e83 is on a distinguished road
Does your bike rack do anything to your sun roof?
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Old 08-31-2011, 07:23 PM
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No, it doesn't interfere with it at all. I don't tend to have the sunroof open when it is installed, as there is more wind noise, but I could do so.

I like having the ability to monitor the bikes through the moonroof while driving. I can see if they are moving around or not.
2007 X3 3.0si, 6 MT, Premium, White

2008 535i, 6 MT, M Sport, Premium, Space Grey
2003 X5 3.0 Steptronic, Premium, Titanium Silver

2002 325xi 5 MT, Steel Grey
2004 Z4 3.0 Premium, Sport, SMG, Maldives Blue
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Old 09-17-2011, 01:25 PM
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The E83

this is a few pictures of the X
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Old 09-22-2011, 04:41 AM
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killabyte is on a distinguished road
wow i'm surprised your wheels look brand new! mine have black dots/spots/pitting in them .....
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Old 06-02-2012, 07:21 PM
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Our05e83 is on a distinguished road
so I removed the ashtrey cover and now it wont close anymore. What do i do?
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Old 07-26-2012, 09:53 PM
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Our05e83 is on a distinguished road
I'm looking for mud flaps and don't know which ones are the best. Any suggestions?
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