Hope all are well, or as well as can be expected.
Hopefully someone out there has had this issue. And can offer:
- guidance, and/or
- a schematic for the rear drain lines, or a view of the top of the sunroof carriage
It seems water is dripping from somewhere other than the visible drain line connection on the right rear - that is to say, all of the visible drain line tubing is connected - reference:
Also, there are two plastic fasteners above the sunroof/sos control module that fix the liner to the frame - how are those to be removed (other than by a trained tech).
It seems like the source of my water issue is out of reach without dropping the carriage.
There were signs of moisture at the top of the B and C pillars, water on the right rear fuse box, and water in the battery compartment (alot) at one point. It was running to the C pillar because of the slope of our driveway. Parked more level, I noticed at the B pillar as well.
I dropped the headliner, mostly, and did a water test. Water flowed to the right rear hatch outlet and behind the right rear wheel.
Then water started dripping from the what looks like the carriage assembly. See triangle in attached image.
This has been fairly tedious and kind of disappointing. Coming this far, I feel i have to try and access and snake the 3rd drain line, if no improvement, then put it all back together and head to a dealer.
Thanks for taking the time.