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Old 08-31-2018, 01:23 AM
Join Date: May 2018
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mr_robot is on a distinguished road
Ok so after some more research I came across this harness:


Says it’s supposed to make DSP work by connecting two male connectors??? No idea what that means...

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2005 Imola 4.8iS
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Old 09-04-2018, 03:51 PM
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Guess I'm to late to the game....

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Old 09-04-2018, 03:58 PM
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Originally Posted by mr_robot View Post
Guess I'm to late to the game....

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I don't have a dsp vehicle. This thread was about my non dsp install so I cant really help other than what I posted in the thread already about different things I ran across while researching my install. So there isn't much I can really offer as far as advise.

Now there are a few in the thread that posted info on their dsp install but there weren't but 2 or 3 people total that did it I think.

Sorry I cant help more.
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Old 09-04-2018, 04:38 PM
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Originally Posted by mr_robot View Post
Sorry I'm late to the game and after 88 pages I couldn't follow anymore.

So what is need to make your DSP work? i-bus USB adapter and that's it?
From what crows & others have pieced together, you will need a radio, either this style or similar, the usb stick, the app paid for & connected to the web (note you’ll need to pay for 2 separate licenses to access dsp functions) & sometimes you will need to have your car recoded to allow the dsp amp to stay on. That recoding can be performed by the pc software bundles that are readily available on eBay & such. All that being said, like crows said, I don’t have dsp either so I can’t tell you 100%
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Old 09-25-2018, 03:47 AM
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Maybe someone in here can help me out on this:

I would like to replace our business factory unit and install something more up to date. I only need basic features as rear view camera, screen mirror & Audio playback from Iphone, Handsfree calls and obviously radio.
I'm not interested in installing any apps or playing around with the radio more then for those simple tasks.

But...I want a stable unit. I don't want to swap out the original unit which is idiot proof for a unit I have to restart 3 times a day & which doesn't respond properly to comands.

This is actually the unit I would like from it's look:


Are these units reliable?
I've seen it also no-name or from other brands....

Well, I hope someone can bring a little light into all these doubts.

Thanks for your time in advance!
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Old 09-25-2018, 05:18 AM
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The Seicane units seem to be pretty reliable. I have had no issues with mine what so ever. Finding one on Seicane's site and then buying somewhere else cheaper because they look alike isn't to smart in my opinion. Seicanes prices are about as cheap as its going to get. Cut any corners down from there and its going to have to be less reliable in my opinion.
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Aftermarket E53 Radio Install
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Old 09-25-2018, 05:29 AM
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Thank you for the feedback.

The question for me is, how supportive the brand is. Seican doesn't have their product listed on Amazon...while others do.

I like the way Amazon handles warranty issues a lot...that's the only reason why I would go for a non Seicane unit instead of having the unit shipped from Seican and having to suffer a shipping intense process later, if I eventually end up having to return the radio to their headquarter.
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Old 09-25-2018, 07:42 AM
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Originally Posted by whizzkid23 View Post
Thank you for the feedback.

The question for me is, how supportive the brand is. Seican doesn't have their product listed on Amazon...while others do.

I like the way Amazon handles warranty issues a lot...that's the only reason why I would go for a non Seicane unit instead of having the unit shipped from Seican and having to suffer a shipping intense process later, if I eventually end up having to return the radio to their headquarter.
Im an amazon fan. To the tune of 5 digits a year purchases wise

But when it comes to android radios I would buy straight from Seicane. That's just me. The shipping was super fast too. I think it took 2 or 3 days to get here.

The way I look at it isn't the same as others I imagine. When buying a normal radio for a car I would spend on average $800 and sometimes up to $1500 for just the head unit.

So if the 200 to $300 Seicane barfs at some point I can replace it 2 to 4 times and still be out less than I would pay normally for a head unit.

That's why I wasn't concerned as much about warranty issues. The radio has been super reliable and I will by from them again if I add another or need to replace it. Even if the current one fails at some point.
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Old 09-25-2018, 12:19 PM
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From my own personal experience, most android units seem reliable. Everything is that is at fault is usually OS related, I'm not a fan of android but it is what it is.

I've tried android HUs from multiple vendors and cars and all have worked well.

With that said, I've never heard of Seicane until I joined this forum. Two brands I'm familiar with and have good customer supports are Joying and Xtrons.

I was considering this from Xtroms but looks like its out of stock now =(


I like that that connections at the back are modular, currently have one in my Mustang and works flawlessly for over a year now.
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Old 09-25-2018, 01:47 PM
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In my experience Seicane has no capability to help if you have any issues.

When I first installed my unit it would not work with DSP or load DVDs. That was in Nov. of 2017. After 6 months of trying work with Seicane they told me to take it to an audio shop and they would refund half of purchase price. It cost me $300+ at an audio shop to get the DSP problem solved. The shop could not resolve the DVD problem. I informed them of the cost and that DVD issue was not resolved. They did not credit me anything. They are saying they never agreed to do so even though I have sent them the emailed offer.

I am still going back and forth with them about the DVD issue. Recently they told me my unit is over six months old and to get it fixed I have to send it back to them. That means I will have a hole in my dash for a month or more and who knows if they can fix it or will send it back or try to charge me for the repair. I have been insisting their offer is not acceptable and suggested other options that I think are more reasonable. I get return emails but there has been no acknowledgement of my suggestion being considered.

All communication goes through sales and they have very very limited understanding of English. They don't understand about 90% of the emails I send and each time I send an email it takes at least two days or more before I receive the first misunderstood response. I do get immediate response they have received my email.

Even if you sacrifice some features, my recommendation is to purchase a unit that has a US distributor and use whatever payment method that will protect you for the longest period of time. I would try to find an Android based unit or one that mirrors your phone so you can add apps even if those currently available don't interest you. That will give you the benefit of being able to add some of quickly evolving new technology for some protection from obsolescence.

The following is the Seicane auto response email:
Dear Customer
Thank you for your message!
Your email has been received, but due to offwork time, we are not able to reply you until tomorrow when we get back to work. But please do not worry, we will reply you within 24 hours through Monday to Friday(Saturday and Sunday emails will be replied at Monday) hope you can understand and forgive the inconvenience!
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Last edited by bcredliner; 09-25-2018 at 02:09 PM.
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