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Old 06-03-2019, 06:33 PM
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So AVIN did come back with a $50 "loyalty discount" on the purchase of the new Avant-4 system running Android Pie 9.0. From my reading on all the other systems and the option for upgrading the Android OS on an existing Android OS head unit, I am not sure there will ever that option.

So call me crazy but it looks like I have bought the new AVIN Avant-4 running Android 9.0 Pie and have an extra (less than 1 month old) AVIN Avant-4 running Android 8.0 Oreo sitting on the shelf.

I guess I can put it in my E46 if the factory navigation ever gives up.
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Old 06-11-2019, 07:02 PM
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Wireless CarPlay/Android Auto in Avant-4

Finally got the WCPAA Wireless CarPlay / A-Auto - USB Adapter installed and working. I'm on Android and the Mrs. is on Apple so I had reservations going in.

I had a little problem at first trying to plug in the WCPAA into the end of my extension in the cigarette lighter mod I made and the WCPAA module would connect and disconnect. Thought it might have been a USB distance issue so I plugged the WCPAA module in where I plugged in the USB extension and then plugged the extension into the module and that worked perfectly.

I still plug in my Samsung Android phone in via USB connector into the extension in the cigarette lighter mod and tested the wife's iPhone 8 in there too and works flawlessly. Unplug one and plug in the other and everything sets fine and connects.

Then I took the new WCPAA one step further and set it up for wireless CarPlay for the Mrs' iPhone and it works beautifully. As soon as she gets in the car, phone in pocket the Avant-4 switched over to CarPlay and her home screen is active. I wish Google would get their **** together and finally release Wireless Android Auto but for now I am happy with the results. Video below.


Last edited by Overboost; 06-11-2019 at 07:08 PM.
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Old 06-11-2019, 11:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Overboost View Post
So many times I asked AVIN via email how this wired in and to offer a picture or schematic, nothing... Was it really that hard to provide a simple picture like this?
And this is the stuff that is really pissing me off right now. I signed up on this forum just now because I have an E38, spent nearly a grand on this system, and had to watch YOUR VIDEO because there is ZERO literature for this device on an e38 with nav and DSP. It's infuriating and their response time to emails is not acceptable. How you can you release a complex product like this with absolutely no documentation or installation assistance?

Anyway... now that my rant is over, my biggest problem at the moment is that on the E38, there is no way that I can see to get the connector for the 6M cable through the back side of the console without removing the center console in its entirety (which conveniently is not noted in their sorry excuse for an [early non-nav-non-dsp] e38 installation guide).

I'm also not entirely sure what I have to run to the back of the car aside from that. There is what appears to be a lengthy RCA cable with an additional several-inch portion of red wire coming out of it. Is this for the backup camera? So many of the cables are not labelled so I'm stuck just kind of guessing what goes where. Once I get to the back, I'm not sure what the hell plugs in where either lol.

What a mess. Looks pretty, but it's not gonna do much good unless I can get the damn thing in the car.

Thanks for your video - it was WAY more helpful than anything I've gotten from Avin at this point. I feel like a beta tester.

Last edited by xing6666; 06-12-2019 at 12:07 AM.
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Old 06-12-2019, 12:27 AM
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^ That yellow rca cable with the short red wire is for the rear cam. Red wire powers it and yellow carries video.

Yes, installation documentation is seriously lacking. I've learned things even since installing one of these from overboost. Hopefully, collectively, we get it all figured out. I wasted time running/powering/triggering the backup cam before realizing the head unit uses the canbus to trigger it automatically and provides a camera power wire in the harness.
2005 X5 4.4i Build 04/05 Maintenance/Build Log
Nav, Pano, Sport (Purchased 06/14 w/ 109,000 miles) (Sold 8/15 w/121,000 miles)

2006 X5 4.8is Build 11/05 Maintenance/Build Log
Nav, DSP, Pano, Running Boards, OEM Tow Hitch, Cold Weather Pckg (Purchased 08/15 w/ 90,500 miles)

2010 X5 35d Build 02/10
Nav, HiFi, 6 DVD, Sports Pckg, Cold Weather Pckg, HUD, CAS, Running Boards, Leather Dash, PDC, Pano (Purchased 03/17 w/ 136,120 miles)

Last edited by crystalworks; 06-12-2019 at 11:24 AM.
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Old 06-12-2019, 12:45 AM
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xing6666, I feel your pain. We are all beta testers for the Chinese aftermarket systems. I don't care which system it is, the support is just lacking from what we have all become accustomed to. That being known, we all rely on each other to share our experiences and blunders.

On our X5 systems, most of us with factory navigation that had to run the 6M extension to the rear simply ran it down the right side under the kick panels but there have been also members that have taken the time to disassemble the entire interior and run the wiring along the factory harnessing. The time it takes is consuming and best estimate on time was around 8 hours but it is done right.

The RCA cable you mentioned sounds like the cable to the rear back up camera if you plan to install one. The red wire exposed on each end is not necessary for installation though some of us have used it for a power source as I did. We can cover rear back up cam installation if you plan on mounting one.

I have never done any work on the E38 but I believe you will need the iBus adapter and app to run the factory DSP, hopefully you bought that with your AVIN Avant-4. The app does support your E38 and a link to the developer is https://www.ibus-app.de/

I will PM you my phone number and I can try to walk you through any questions you have.
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Old 06-12-2019, 06:23 PM
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A huge thanks to Overboost for the assistance. Got it fired up and am trucking right along with the wiring. Have never had an X5, but just about every other imaginable chassis and glad to see this is a great group as well... that being said, I’ve never had anyone so quickly offer to give them a call. Spent quite some time with me on the phone walking through stuff. So appreciative.
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Old 06-12-2019, 06:28 PM
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Originally Posted by xing6666 View Post
A huge thanks to Overboost for the assistance. Got it fired up and am trucking right along with the wiring. Have never had an X5, but just about every other imaginable chassis and glad to see this is a great group as well... that being said, I’ve never had anyone so quickly offer to give them a call. Spent quite some time with me on the phone walking through stuff. So appreciative.
We will have you in an X5 in no time. Welcome to the family!
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Old 06-12-2019, 08:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Overboost View Post
We will have you in an X5 in no time. Welcome to the family!
I’ve always casually thought the 4.8is was a cool car. Thing is, I’m at 3 cars already (2008 m5 6-speed, 1985 m635 and now this 2001 740i sporty shorty). I think I’d have a REALLY hard time passing the wife test with another lol. I’m happy as it is... . One day.
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Old 07-15-2019, 07:00 PM
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Well, well, well... Looked what finally showed up today. My new Avant-4 with the PX6 processor and 64GB internal storage and Android 9.0 Pie. It comes with a HDMI output now too.

Not in a real hurry to throw it in, my Avant-4 PX5 Android 8.0 Oreo works flawlessly.
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Old 07-15-2019, 07:03 PM
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"This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them! We should not have made this bargin..."
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