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Old 09-15-2021, 07:48 PM
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I read that the oil level sensor can interfere with alternator; is there a similar sensor that can get shorted and bring down the buss or EGS?
2011 E70 • N55 (me)
2012 E70 • N63 (wife)
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Old 02-27-2022, 04:58 PM
aureliusmax's Avatar
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Update: I found someone's forum post for their E38 that had the identical symptoms, from searching the Deutsche text of the error codes from INPA.
After translating to english. I determined that around the same time as this issue started, I had installed an ebay bluetooth adaptor to the back of the radio. Not sure if it had anything to do with the egs signal line disturbed though, I don't think it touched any canbus lines. But I will try to remove it and see what happens.
Using INPA opening the transmission menu I wasn't able actuate any of the solenoids, so I believe the AGS controller module is still being locked out. This explains why there's no output in the transmission output shaft in drive, but the input shaft is registering rotation. The torque converter is fine because reverse is working.

A short update in case someone has a similar error...

No error in the electronics, no error in the converter - the inner clutch basket (component 70.260 on the ZF exploded view drawing) is broken!

Could only be seen after the waves had pulled.
No chips in the oil, just normal abrasion.

All components in the gearbox were kept in their form. Only when the parts were pulled apart did fragments tumble out...
Arvak is offline
Stalling speed indicates a defective converter... possibly also a crack in the gearbox control unit (the one in the gearbox). It tends to break when quickly switching from R to D and D to R (shunting)...
"Error caused by external control unit" is a bus error caused by, for example, an external device to play mp3s... often happens with plug&play additional devices...
141 Signal AGS : Telegrammfehler oder kein Telegramm

Fehlerhäufigkeit: 40

sporadischer Fehler
Fehler durch externes Steuergeraet
2003 4.6, esotril blue, over 215,000KM. Every previous owner failed to keep up the vehicle maintenance. Restoration project.
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Old 03-05-2022, 03:57 AM
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Originally Posted by aureliusmax View Post
Update: I found someone's forum post for their E38 that had the identical symptoms, from searching the Deutsche text of the error codes from INPA.
After translating to english. I determined that around the same time as this issue started, I had installed an ebay bluetooth adaptor to the back of the radio. Not sure if it had anything to do with the egs signal line disturbed though, I don't think it touched any canbus lines. But I will try to remove it and see what happens.
Using INPA opening the transmission menu I wasn't able actuate any of the solenoids, so I believe the AGS controller module is still being locked out. This explains why there's no output in the transmission output shaft in drive, but the input shaft is registering rotation. The torque converter is fine because reverse is working.
So what actually happened was the socket pins were enlarged when I used too large diameter of a test pin. And I had to remove the individual socket pins, pry them open and push the retainer to increase the clamping force which was the issue. The sockets were over the pins in the AGS but not completely making contact. Therefore I had error codes for all my solenoids because there was no current path. I will update this thread a little later with some screenshots of the inpa error codes before/after.

And now we have the same issue as when I started trans failsafe in 5 gear possible due to A-clutch failure or o-ring between A-B, thinking it's because the ATF is too thin so Im going to try and add some gear oil. More likely because the line pressure control solenoid is programmed to be too 'soft' and the emergency program is really triggered easily on these as they wear out. I can try hacking the thing to increase pressure and thickening the oil to get a little more out of it. That will be another thread.
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2003 4.6, esotril blue, over 215,000KM. Every previous owner failed to keep up the vehicle maintenance. Restoration project.
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Old 10-04-2023, 02:33 AM
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Update. I've found a used, recently rebuilt transmission and I've installed it two times after the first time destroyed the oil pump by mis-installation of the torque converter. Swapped over the first transmission's oil pump and then off we go. Will do a real update soon.
2003 4.6, esotril blue, over 215,000KM. Every previous owner failed to keep up the vehicle maintenance. Restoration project.
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