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Old 01-27-2021, 02:49 AM
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Originally Posted by omodos View Post
Much appreciate reply, got the febi replacement just wondering to cut the tab off or not? Ashamed to say i am.not gonna do this diy in case

I hit issues...either way got the old dhcs but don't have the little bits that flaked off...cable tie fix still ok?

Ps wifes e46 been in out of all four door so many times that i can do it with my eyes shut...but wont touch thec5

If you ever open a door for any reason install the zip tie I think 3/8 of ours are rebuilt now this method. If you install before it breaks it may not prevent the break but when it breaks the door handle still works. (you may be able to tell you have to pull farther up)
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Old 01-27-2021, 02:56 AM
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Originally Posted by andrewwynn View Post
You have to expand the clip for the ball to move enough to make room I've done it a few times now it's not difficult just if the first attempt or two fails diagonal cut it off and start over. It took me a few tries to figure out that a single pass wouldn't hold tight enough
i got two old dhc to play with, gonna dishwasher em and then see if i can get it done, either metal zip ties or wire or even plastic ones that as i mentioned before hopefully if cracked due to heat wont fall off and cause any jam in there....
E53 X5 3.0d SUV prod.date 11/2004 eng.variant M57N Europe Right hand drive N
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Old 01-27-2021, 03:19 AM
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There is so much leverage at that joint the nylon will squish like Play-Doh if it were to break from heat brittle. (which usually only happens if exposed to UV so that won't happen inside a door)
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Old 01-27-2021, 09:04 AM
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Originally Posted by andrewwynn View Post
There is so much leverage at that joint the nylon will squish like Play-Doh if it were to break from heat brittle. (which usually only happens if exposed to UV so that won't happen inside a door)
Andrew do i need the bit that fell off in order to make an effective repair?, as am planning on patching up old ones in case passenger side up front goes too......father in law who was bored today took car to a panel beater garage, guy had it all off and on in 30mins....and fitted the new febi dhc....so will be using him again for sure
E53 X5 3.0d SUV prod.date 11/2004 eng.variant M57N Europe Right hand drive N
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Old 01-27-2021, 11:19 AM
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Bit that fell off? I presume you mean the back side of the hinge around the pin: negative. It probably doesn't hurt to have it. On two of my repairs the hinge only cracked, I caught it before it broke and of course I left the part and wrapped the steel zip tie around it.

I might have a video of what happens if you only used a nylon zip or only one wrap of steel: the hinge pulls open at least 1mm each operation so I wouldn't trust it long term. With the two steel wraps no motion at all it's a solid fix.

I haven't ever had to replace one done with the steel repair (some are going on 3-4 years now). I forget but I think I put a shim under the steel to snug it tight.
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Old 01-27-2021, 01:46 PM
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Originally Posted by andrewwynn View Post
Bit that fell off? I presume you mean the back side of the hinge around the pin: negative. It probably doesn't hurt to have it. On two of my repairs the hinge only cracked, I caught it before it broke and of course I left the part and wrapped the steel zip tie around it.

I might have a video of what happens if you only used a nylon zip or only one wrap of steel: the hinge pulls open at least 1mm each operation so I wouldn't trust it long term. With the two steel wraps no motion at all it's a solid fix.

I haven't ever had to replace one done with the steel repair (some are going on 3-4 years now). I forget but I think I put a shim under the steel to snug it tight.
ok sir, will make note....i'll find a way now i know...thanks again....
E53 X5 3.0d SUV prod.date 11/2004 eng.variant M57N Europe Right hand drive N
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Old 03-29-2024, 11:47 AM
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Hello to all sorry to revive this but suffice to say that nearly 3.5 years on from replacing last replacement with e febi branded carrier handle, same thing....pull and no joy...

I am plucking up the courage to do the cable fix and maybe even try this russian guys fix, he basically drilled a whole through old carrier and passed heavy gauge wire through to do job cable tie would


One reservation, the larger of the 2 screws one in photo, that goes into the carrier M5X20-KA-8.8, should it be a tight fit into the actual door carrier mechanism or does it simple pass through and 'grab' onto the housing of the keylock cover on the outer side of the door?
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E53 X5 3.0d SUV prod.date 11/2004 eng.variant M57N Europe Right hand drive N
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Old 03-29-2024, 12:00 PM
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Pass through if you mean the long Allen head screw that holds the back of the DHC though the door to the external part that's the key cylinder on the driver side.

If you want a guide in English:.

AWR-fix: Door Handle Carrier Repair: 28¢

You can post questions there when underway. I usually see the posts within minutes.

I've done this repair half a dozen times reworking to the final version in the thread above. If you can't get metal cable ties I used 16ga steel wire the first couple repairs. It needs a shim under the wrap either way and either way is quite literally better than new (non brittle weak link). Brand new will not be stronger.
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Old 03-29-2024, 04:06 PM
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Originally Posted by andrewwynn View Post
Pass through if you mean the long Allen head screw that holds the back of the DHC though the door to the external part that's the key cylinder on the driver side.

If you want a guide in English:.

AWR-fix: Door Handle Carrier Repair: 28¢

You can post questions there when underway. I usually see the posts within minutes.

I've done this repair half a dozen times reworking to the final version in the thread above. If you can't get metal cable ties I used 16ga steel wire the first couple repairs. It needs a shim under the wrap either way and either way is quite literally better than new (non brittle weak link). Brand new will not be stronger.
Andrew yes exactly what meant, and since post.found pics to verify my suspicion ...never taken it apart so.didnt know where how allen key bolt secured carrier...pic shows it screws through carrirer handle and into the outer side into the door lock casing as such...the shim idea great fine...just curious though that it will actally allow movement of the mechanism as the shim n wire or wire tie take place of broken bit of carrier that didnt acutally have a really tight fit onto the rod ....you reckom best bet i order a new part? Or tie fix removed broken carrier i have floating about..cheers again for reply

Ps how much clearance is needed , i mean repair may protrude by how much from.surface of carrier before ot snags or brushes again inner door workings?
E53 X5 3.0d SUV prod.date 11/2004 eng.variant M57N Europe Right hand drive N

Last edited by omodos; 03-29-2024 at 04:14 PM.
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Old 03-29-2024, 05:32 PM
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The shim opposite side of the broken part. There's room for the wrap and the shim used to tighten it up.
2011 E70 • N55 (me)
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