Trying to track down a misfire issue under acceleration at low revs. My local mechanic diagnosed an intermediate lever issue on the basis of the following (see photos below). The photos are of the intermediate lever on the number one cylinder which is the cylinder most often reported as causing the misfire.
Can anyone out there offer an opinion as to whether this could be the problem? I have found a method of working around the problem. It is to disconnect the Vanos solenoid on the right hand bank. This has the effect of causing a rough idle on start up which abruptly stops after about 30 seconds. After this the car runs well.
Have had a quote of about AUD $10,000 to replace levers and eccentric shafts so naturally I am after some confirmation before I go down this path as I realise it is probably more than the value of the car but I really like it and I can’t really identify a good replacement.