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Old 02-13-2023, 09:12 PM
Join Date: Jan 2020
Location: Vancouver Island
Posts: 85
alberniken is on a distinguished road
Long List of error codes, mostly power related?

Hello all.

Couldn't resist the urge to buy another X5, despite real life experience insisting otherwise

Been driving about a month, and ignoring the panel messages as best I could. After a couple of no-start hiccups and a (so far) one time transmission fail-safe, I decided to get some better diagnostic kit. Just bought an XTool D8 (decided to splurge).

The XTool claims to be able to program new keys, reset service lights, start adaptations, etc. I will be reporting on failures & successes in near future.

Other than the transmission, many errors seem to be the result of low voltage issues. I have also had a couple of instances of "no crank" when the car has sat for a few days (think I have a drain), although it shows over 12V. Once battery is freshly charged, will crank and start without fuss.

There are a couple of others that I am hoping for some input, such as airbag circuits.

Cheers - Ken

Diagnosis Report 2023‐02‐14 07:25
Vehicle X5 4.4i
Year: 2003
Mileage : 223412km

Transmission Control (EGS_32)

31EGS: Symptom, gear monitoring
**This is accompanied by torque converter un/locking once transmission is warmed up, so I assume this probably leaky seal problem common to ZF 5HP24. I saw other info that this might be from moisture or corrosion in connector at transmission.

Automatic Thermostatic Air Conditioning (IHKA)

11EIHKA: Auxiliary‐water pump
20AIHKA: AUC sensor
333IHKA: Inside‐sensor fan
**Would this be a low-voltage issue?

Stability Control System ABD5 (DSC)

176DSC: DME/DDE does not fulfil torque request
25ADSC: Brief power interruption

Combination meter (KOMBI_80)

1BDIKE: Electronic braking‐force distribution
28DIKE: EGS signal line disturbed
33FIKE: Overcurrent in instrument circuit
490IKE: Voltage supply, terminal 15, faulty

Airbag (ZAE)

130MRS: Coupling in firing circuit, airbag, driver, stage 1
231MRS: Coupling in firing circuit, belt tensioner, driver
332MRS: Coupling in firing circuit, belt tensioner, passenger
434MRS: Coupling in firing circuit, side airbag, front left
533MRS: Coupling in firing circuit, airbag, passenger, stage 1
605MRS: Side airbag, front left

Uniaxial Air Spring (EHC2)

10AEHC: Control‐time error "One‐sided"
201EHC: Ride‐level sensor, left
**How would I start to troubleshoot this one?

Lighting Module (LM)

179LCM: Dipped beam, right, faulty
281LCM: Main beam, right, faulty
392LCM: Brake light, left, faulty
493LCM: Brake light, right, faulty
599LCM: Number‐plate light faulty
**other than right low beam, all these work

Center column switch control center (LKM)

107SZM: Seat heating, seat cushion, left, open circuit
208SZM: Seat heating, seat cushion, right, open circuit
317SZM: Undervoltage
**Seat heaters work, other than driver's left butt cheek gets over-cooked

Basic Module (ZKE)

00GM: General module 5: Internal fault, voltage
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Old 02-13-2023, 09:46 PM
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Saskatchewan Canada
Posts: 2,415
80stech is on a distinguished road
You need to get the battery/cranking issues solved first, there is a good list of instructions on how to do this posted on here (I think goolgle search works best) to get you started.
1988 325is (purchased new) sold
2004 X5 3.0 2005 X3 2.5
2008 X5 3.0 (new to me)
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Old 02-13-2023, 10:06 PM
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: USA
Posts: 1,245
Bdc101 is on a distinguished road
I too would get the battery/electrical issues figured out, then clear codes And see what comes back. Lots of these things could possibly be caused by low voltage or other electrical issues.
2003 3.0 5MT Topasblau
Purchased in 2016 and surprisingly still running
2012 35d Platingrau
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Old 02-15-2023, 12:06 PM
Join Date: Sep 2015
Location: Northeast
Posts: 542
CapeX5 is on a distinguished road
As a side note, get ready for that $900 diagnostic tool to do no more than run a report for you. It won't do bi lateral tests or many other things on BMW!! I bought one and it is basically useless for the 3 BMW I have. So pissed. Contacted the company and they basically said, oh well, to bad, doesn't do those things on BMW. Buyer beware with this company and tool for your BMW's. Go to a Foxwell and you won't regret it and have $650 extra in your wallet.
Dave S.
2003 4.6is
2005 E53 4.4
2003 E39 Msport(a REAL ONE!)
1959 Fiat 600
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codes, error, power, voltage

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