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Old 03-15-2024, 04:55 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: USA
Posts: 115
zonefive is on a distinguished road
The Foxwell I have will only allow the idle to be raised by a small amount, and it made no difference in the shaking at idle. I've changed the idle control valve, motor mounts, transmission, transmission mount, and CV axles. The Vanos is original and now 23 years old so I wonder if it is the culprit.

This seems to be problem particularly affecting the X5 with the M54 engine, and not so much other models with that motor. Maybe is has something to do with the fact it is 4 wheel drive.
2001 3.0 Original Owner, still going
2012 E70 xDrive 35i Pre-Owned -- sold because no one could figure out the transmission problem
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Old 03-15-2024, 05:08 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Charlotte, NC
Posts: 471
Russianblue is on a distinguished road
actually that's a very good point. pulling out the dedicated 2016 laptop, with extension cord because the battery died 3 years ago and waiting for it to boot etc...non-starter, lol !

2005 X5 3.0i - 71k mi (9.2018) -> 81k (9.19) -> 100k 9.21
SOLD : ( 2003 X5 3.0 - 177k mi (9.2018) -> 186k (9.19) -> 205k (9.21)
SOLD : ( 1997 328is Coupe - Hellrot Red
SOLD : ( 1988 528e w/ Bullseye s256 / MS2 Extra / GC Coilovers / Yukon Coils ~ 300+ HP
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Old 03-20-2024, 01:03 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Charlotte, NC
Posts: 471
Russianblue is on a distinguished road
so i hooked up the Foxwell. Jesus H Roosevelt that thing is slow. Anyway I have three errors:

44 IKE Oil pressure Sensor
90 IKE Voltage Supply Terminal 15 faulty
C7 IKE Tank Sensor 1 (fuel-pump side)

I reset the errors to see if they come back but as it relates to that Terminal 15 error, i have read where this is typically the ignition switch. I also read where a bad ignition switch can actually cause some issues with a rough idle? God only knows why but 'the ghost in the machine' has proven me wrong before.

I've had ZERO issues starting the car and the idle is absolutely PERFECT in park.

it's idling at 622 in Drive with the brake on. Foxwell says the target is 680-800.
other stats:
Idle air adaptation: 99.0% Setpoint -7.5 - 7.5%
idle actuator opening is 42.32% with setpoint of 23-39%
Air Mass: 15 with setpoint 9-16.
injection time 3.33ms Setpoint 1.8-3.4
Load signal 167.99 w setpoint 80-140 mg/stroke

I am also wondering if this might be why about once every six weeks when i unlock my car with the key fob the alarm goes off. It's been a good while since i've had the codes read and i've done an oil pan gasket change since and had the body shop fix some stuff so i am thinking some of these other errors might be transient one-timers.

2005 X5 3.0i - 71k mi (9.2018) -> 81k (9.19) -> 100k 9.21
SOLD : ( 2003 X5 3.0 - 177k mi (9.2018) -> 186k (9.19) -> 205k (9.21)
SOLD : ( 1997 328is Coupe - Hellrot Red
SOLD : ( 1988 528e w/ Bullseye s256 / MS2 Extra / GC Coilovers / Yukon Coils ~ 300+ HP
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Old 03-20-2024, 03:36 PM
Join Date: Jun 2021
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 1,822
X5chemist is on a distinguished road
The FoxWell 520Pro is probably a little faster. It's still slow but does get the job done.

Ya'll tempting me to buy a smoker and loan it out. A M54
'06 X5 3.0i - bought @143,123 miles (12/26/20)
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Old 03-20-2024, 05:06 PM
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Foxwell diagnostics slow?, and smoke testing devices

Originally Posted by X5chemist View Post
The FoxWell 520Pro is probably a little faster. It's still slow but does get the job done.

Ya'll tempting me to buy a smoker and loan it out. A M54
Yes, the Foxwell NT5xx series scan tools are slow (at least my NT510 Elite is), but for the price, I can sit back for a few minutes and wait (retired). But, make sure your battery voltage is 12.5vdc or better, because the diagnostic speed seems to drop, when lower.

When I was testing for an extended period (hours?) trying all my Android diagnostic apps first, by the time I hooked up the Foxwell, battery voltage was so low that it wouldn't do the Autovin, and it was only able to scan either 8 or 9? of the 13 modules it usually scans on my '01 X5

Then, when I connected my old Schumacher XCS15 charger/maintainer to the B+ and B- posts underhood, the Foxwell behaved normally. Since then, I bought a Clore Automotive PL2320 20-Amp Fully-Automatic Smart Charger, Battery Charger, Battery Maintainer, and Stable Power Supply, specifically for the "stable power supply" feature, just to use for diagnostics, no coding expected so 20-amps is enough.

Perhaps andrewwynn
will chime in about the NT710 he has, and how fast it operates compared to his older NT5xx-series scan tool?

X5chemist- That smoke tester looks bulletproof, but is it worth the $100 more than the Autoline Pro(shop series) I recently bought, which will be seldomly used? Overall, with a tube-plugging accessory I also bought, make that $125 ($145 at today's prices, though). But, as you said, buy one and rent it out. I would've rented it myself, as no one does around here, no current friends or neighbors have one, shops wanted $150-160, and my homemade smoke tester was a waste of time and money to build (twice).
01 BMW X5 E53,3.0i-5L40E, 7/13/01
topas-blau,Leder-grau,"resto-project car"

14 Lexus ES350,3.5L-U660E
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64 VW,1.2l-MT4
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Old 03-20-2024, 06:00 PM
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Smoke machine vac leak diagnosis?

710 is very nice and the only one I really recommend now. The self sufficient updates is worth it.

I never used with e53 bit it's way way faster with e70.

The 510 won't scan wife's F10 that's why I needed to update. I still have and use the 510 and was able to get the same modules unlocked so I have them on both now.

I bought smoke machine a couple years ago I ended up getting way too nice of one that also does pressure with both psi and flow rate.

I would recommend getting one that had the pump built in but no need for all the bells n whistles
2011 E70 • N55 (me)
2012 E70 • N63 (wife)

Last edited by andrewwynn; 03-20-2024 at 06:05 PM.
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Old 03-24-2024, 11:25 AM
Join Date: Jun 2021
Location: Austin, TX
Posts: 1,822
X5chemist is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by andrewwynn View Post
710 is very nice and the only one I really recommend now. The self sufficient updates is worth it.
I never used with e53 bit it's way way faster with e70.
I'm looking for a new scanner. Price for a 710 is half price of one I'm looking at purchasing. I need one for general purposes and ODBII scanning. What I don't see quickly, how many manufactures can be put on it?
'06 X5 3.0i - bought @143,123 miles (12/26/20)
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Old 03-24-2024, 11:42 AM
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Haven't found the limit on modules but did find the manual which is very complete and shows why it's definitely the best bang for buck. I'm a big fan of pdf report of all the current errors!

I'm sure it can add at least five like the 510 you can also line item delete. I removed a couple brands like rolls Royce and some off brands that come along with the likes of land Rover that I'll never use. Also it took a little convincing but they did transfer all my brands from my 510 to my 710.

They technically unregistered from 510 but as that device has no tie to the world it can't phone home and disable the modules already installed.

[email protected] should be able to answer your question

I have: Toyota, GM, Crysler, Land Rover and of course BMW on mine.
2011 E70 • N55 (me)
2012 E70 • N63 (wife)
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