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Old 03-22-2024, 06:21 AM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Charlotte, NC
Posts: 471
Russianblue is on a distinguished road
Simple OE Angel Eye Replacement help

So yeah, I believe I have proven my technical prowess by changing an M54 headgasket but as a long time Stockholm syndrome BMW glutton, I may have run up against my biggest challenge yet.

After receiving the SIDE LIGHTS error on my display, I purchased OEM BMW replacements solely to make the error go away. Not trying to do anything with LEDs or upgrades of any kind. Just want factory fresh bulbs.


It's maddening. I can't even get the old ones back in! Shameful, I know.

Is there some sort of trick to this? The tabs are keyed on the light socket and it looks exceptionally straightforward to just push in and twist, but it's simply not working. The bulb tabs seem like they should pretty much press into the opening but they just won't.

Just wondering if anyone knew some tricks of the trade here. I am pretty decent at this stuff but sometimes miss the forest for the trees. But this one has me completely baffled.

Any tips?

Incidentally, when I plug in the new bulbs the error goes away.
63126916097 is the part number of the new bulbs and they look IDENTICAL to the old ones. Maybe the tabs on the new ones need to be ground down a bit but like I said, I can't even get the old ones back in. So this is a technique issue.

this is what am struggling with:


mine won't push down into the housing like that. it's like the keyed tabs don't fit or something.

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Last edited by Russianblue; 03-22-2024 at 06:26 AM.
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Old 03-22-2024, 07:02 AM
Join Date: Apr 2019
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Effduration is on a distinguished road
No trick to it...they can be a little fiddly...but if you line up to the keyed tabs ..one or two are bigger than the other, they should twist in.

There might be, I suppose some defect in the part you bought...

I typically just replace the bayonet bulbs..sometimes I'll have to punch a small hole in the reflector near the bulb to allow the bulb to come out.
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Old 03-22-2024, 08:05 AM
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Just transferred the high beam bulbs to the headlights and installed fresh amber turn signal bulbs... couple days ago (on my e83) no major trick, but as always with BMW it's about detail.
When I read SIDE LIGHTS...do you mean front turn signal lights?
If so for the front "turn signal" lights there is two indented tabs...they are ever so slightly different in thickness and shape.
If facing the socket you'll notice this and you'll notice the two differences...
One tab will have a shape of an "L" the other the shape of a "T"...
When installing or incerting,
the "L" is to enter at the top and of course the "T" is for the bottom.
I'll add a pic when I go out to the garage this morning.

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Last edited by getty150; 03-22-2024 at 08:20 AM.
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Old 03-22-2024, 03:44 PM
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Try a little silicon lube on the o-ring. They can be a bear to insert dry...
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Old 03-22-2024, 07:00 PM
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Originally Posted by wpoll View Post
Try a little silicon lube on the o-ring. They can be a bear to insert dry...
Just went through this on our E61. Was shocked how tight it was.
2005 X5 4.4i Build 04/05 Maintenance/Build Log
Nav, Pano, Sport (Purchased 06/14 w/ 109,000 miles) (Sold 8/15 w/121,000 miles)

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Old 03-23-2024, 01:08 PM
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Charlotte, NC
Posts: 471
Russianblue is on a distinguished road
I figured it out FINALLY.

The resin or whatever that bronze/reddish coating on the back of those bulbs was built up too much on the tabs like it had been dipped in liquid and collected on the tab corners or something. also, there were some little plastic casting marks on one tab. I sanded off those spots and it went RIGHT in.

SO freaking BMW-typical. A 5 minute DIY turns into days of research, lol !

These were not BMW brand parts after all. They were HELLA. I'd be shocked if the BMW branded part was not also Hella.

2005 X5 3.0i - 71k mi (9.2018) -> 81k (9.19) -> 100k 9.21
SOLD : ( 2003 X5 3.0 - 177k mi (9.2018) -> 186k (9.19) -> 205k (9.21)
SOLD : ( 1997 328is Coupe - Hellrot Red
SOLD : ( 1988 528e w/ Bullseye s256 / MS2 Extra / GC Coilovers / Yukon Coils ~ 300+ HP
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