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Old 05-27-2024, 06:42 PM
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Posts: 228
Meestahbig is on a distinguished road
No AC - is this going to put my X out to pasture?

Well, I swapped the compressor yesterday with a brand new one (did this once before with a junkyard compressor and thought this time the clutch was maybe slipping - causing no cold air). New compressor in, I pulled vacuum and then added a little 134a. Compressor kicked on but still seeing same problem as before.

Low side was reading like 80+ psi, High side wasn't building pressure, was low like around 50 psi. Compressor was definitely engaging. The system barely took any charge at all so the system was really filling, but filling enough to allow compressor to kick on.

So now I'm stuck. Don't know what to do next and next steps aren't simple. Getting to the expansion valve or evap requires ripping apart the dash. Could be condenser coil and filter drier, but I haven't found any info indicating it would be this over the expansion valve.

I am using the X5 as a daily driver still with 210k miles. I really don't want to let it sit until fall bc I think then, it might develop other issues!

ANY HELP OR THOUGHTS? Maybe bring it in to get an assessment from a proper repair shop? Let them tell me fore sure it's the expansion valve?
2003 X5 3.0i Silver (build 07/03)
2006 X5 3.0i Blue
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Old 05-27-2024, 10:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Meestahbig View Post
Well, I swapped the compressor yesterday with a brand new one (did this once before with a junkyard compressor and thought this time the clutch was maybe slipping - causing no cold air). New compressor in, I pulled vacuum and then added a little 134a. Compressor kicked on but still seeing same problem as before.

Low side was reading like 80+ psi, High side wasn't building pressure, was low like around 50 psi. Compressor was definitely engaging. The system barely took any charge at all so the system was really filling, but filling enough to allow compressor to kick on.

So now I'm stuck. Don't know what to do next and next steps aren't simple. Getting to the expansion valve or evap requires ripping apart the dash. Could be condenser coil and filter drier, but I haven't found any info indicating it would be this over the expansion valve.

I am using the X5 as a daily driver still with 210k miles. I really don't want to let it sit until fall bc I think then, it might develop other issues!

ANY HELP OR THOUGHTS? Maybe bring it in to get an assessment from a proper repair shop? Let them tell me fore sure it's the expansion valve?
You should replace the condenser and the dryer (packet) as it's not unusual to have oil from a failing compressor slug the system. If your system was slugged the dryer packet will be oiled/discolored.

I will look for the photos I took when I slugged mine last year or so.

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"When the Team Chief said.... You're trapped in a hole with nothing but a goat and a slinky, what do you do? Stubby said, I'm not sure but it won't end well for the goat...." ~(Overheard) Last day, Phase 3, Q Course
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Old 05-28-2024, 07:24 AM
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Did you flush any A/C flush or alcohol through the system? I run a flush or IPA when a compressor is replaced. A flush will remove debri and old oil out. High pressure on the low side means something is restricting flow. Low pressure compressed air will flush out IPA and dry it. Since the compressor is new, remove it. Flush all the components. Replace the dryer. BMW E53 X5 AC Drier 64536942025. AKA, orifice tube. The clog is likely at the drier. I've replaced a lot of those in different cars. Especially after a compressor failure. All the debris gets caught there.
'06 X5 3.0i - bought @143,123 miles (12/26/20)
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Old 06-02-2024, 05:37 PM
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So, turns out a total cluster of errors. Mainly the seals in my manifold gauges were buggered and giving me all sorts of bad readings. I took everything apart on the engine side of the system. After putting in a new filter drier and now getting high high pressure readings. I concluded my condenser is nearly fully blocked. My aux fan has been dead forever, but AC always worked just fine. I took my electric leaf blower and blew over the condenser and sure enough, for some cold air and lower high pressure. I assume this extra air helped with the restriction, but condenser is the issue. I'm contemplating swapping the Aux fan with a cheapo replacement. I don't see myself spending $600 for a Behr fan. Thanks for the support all.
2003 X5 3.0i Silver (build 07/03)
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Old 06-03-2024, 06:53 AM
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Mine has a brushless replacement aux fan. TOPAZ 64546921381
After turning off the engine, it can spin for 32 seconds! Brushless fans are very efficient. Mine has been running in Texas heat for almost 3 years now. A/C vent temps get down to 42F! Even a bit lower at highway speeds. It's so cold after cooling off the interior, I can run the fan speed at the lowest setting and be comfortable.
'06 X5 3.0i - bought @143,123 miles (12/26/20)
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Old 06-03-2024, 09:14 AM
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Where is the dryer? Is it a change on schedule type of part, or do they not normally need changing? My AC blows a frosty gale since it was evacuated and then recharged for the motor change, and I'd like to keep it this way.
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Old 06-03-2024, 09:39 AM
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The dryer is in a tube attached to the condenser. It's part of the condenser. Honestly, unless your system is open for 24 hours or not working, I would not be changing it regularly. You have to evac the refrigerant and recharge. My old drier was fine for 20 years and when I looked at it, it still was ok, not blocked. Discolored yes, but easily passing air through it, like the new one.

I am interested in the topaz fan, just wonder how loud it is and if any of my other components are dead which would cause the fan not to work. I suppose they are likely fine and it is just the fan. I will order one. Thanks.
2003 X5 3.0i Silver (build 07/03)
2006 X5 3.0i Blue
1977 Ferrari 308 GTB
1994 Ferrari 348TS Speciale #14/15
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Old 06-03-2024, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by X5chemist View Post
Mine has a brushless replacement aux fan. TOPAZ 64546921381
After turning off the engine, it can spin for 32 seconds! Brushless fans are very efficient. Mine has been running in Texas heat for almost 3 years now. A/C vent temps get down to 42F! Even a bit lower at highway speeds. It's so cold after cooling off the interior, I can run the fan speed at the lowest setting and be comfortable.
I am going to order this one too.

I haven't been running an AUX fan for 6 years, but I only hit 105c then it immediately drops to 102c when the temps are above 43c+ over here.....

Sent from Embassy network using Tapatalk
"When the Team Chief said.... You're trapped in a hole with nothing but a goat and a slinky, what do you do? Stubby said, I'm not sure but it won't end well for the goat...." ~(Overheard) Last day, Phase 3, Q Course
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Old 06-03-2024, 10:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Meestahbig View Post
I am interested in the topaz fan, just wonder how loud it is and if any of my other components are dead which would cause the fan not to work. I suppose they are likely fine and it is just the fan. I will order one. Thanks.
Does fan run at hot idle operating temp and A/C off? If not, the fan is probably toast. My Foxwell 520 pro is bidirectional. I test mine fan on occasion. However, I can hear it spin down after engine shutoff. The fan is surprisingly quiet. You can hear it if the radio is off.
'06 X5 3.0i - bought @143,123 miles (12/26/20)
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Old 06-04-2024, 08:25 AM
Join Date: Sep 2009
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Topaz fan ordered. Seemed like Amazon was best deal, $105 before tax. I watched the videos on how to replace. Seems okay, but wonder how loose I need to make the metal bumper without taking it fully loose and making it a total pita to reinstall.
2003 X5 3.0i Silver (build 07/03)
2006 X5 3.0i Blue
1977 Ferrari 308 GTB
1994 Ferrari 348TS Speciale #14/15
1989 Ferrari Testarossa
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