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Old 08-22-2024, 11:37 PM
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Good tip on phase matching with the AA battery
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Old 08-22-2024, 11:45 PM
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Originally Posted by andrewwynn View Post
Good tip on phase matching with the AA battery
It is, as long as it's a standard carbon or maybe an alkaline battery. An AA NiCad or NiMH battery could possibly generate a current high enough to damage a speaker coil (esp. a tweeter). The high internal resistance of standard carbon batteries will prevent this.
2005 BMW X5 3.0d (b 02/05)
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Old 08-23-2024, 03:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Henn28 View Post
This is what I have planned once I've upgraded my front speakers which are currently sat in a box waiting to be fitted , my question is do the speaker wires run from the doors to the rear and all the splitting and crossovers from factory are in the rear so I can just find the appropriate wires and connected direct to amps.
I believe the crossover is done by the amp as I didn’t find any crossover boxes in my doors. You can definitely split the wires out of the connector, identify the various speaker wires, and hook the straight into a new amp. Identifying which wires go to which door/component can be confusing because the wires change colors somewhere in route to each location. Bentley gets you 90% of the way, and then I recommend using a AA battery at the amp end of the wires to check both the connection and polarity is correct at the speaker end. Label each one as you break them out of the plug.[/QUOTE]

^This is a good tip with the battery. An alternative way is to order a cheap tone generator off Amazon. I do enough car audio in my cars that it's worth the $25 as it can be hard to tell the polarity using the battery test in my experience. Especially with tweeters.

This is the one I use.

I could not bring myself to hack up the DSP harness, or de-pin it. So I made an adapter harness for my aftermarket setup. Running DSP and 10 channels full active 6 front and 4 rear + a sub on 3 amps. It's way overkill... but it's my dream system from when I graduated high school. So I built it.

2005 X5 4.4i Build 04/05 Maintenance/Build Log
Nav, Pano, Sport (Purchased 06/14 w/ 109,000 miles) (Sold 8/15 w/121,000 miles)

2006 X5 4.8is Build 11/05 Maintenance/Build Log
Nav, DSP, Pano, Running Boards, OEM Tow Hitch, Cold Weather Pckg (Purchased 08/15 w/ 90,500 miles)

2010 X5 35d Build 02/10
Nav, HiFi, 6 DVD, Sports Pckg, Cold Weather Pckg, HUD, CAS, Running Boards, Leather Dash, PDC, Pano (Purchased 03/17 w/ 136,120 miles)
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Old 08-24-2024, 03:59 PM
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Originally Posted by crystalworks View Post
Running DSP and 10 channels full active 6 front and 4 rear + a sub on 3 amps. It's way overkill... but it's my dream system from when I graduated high school. So I built it.
And boy it sounds dreamy! LoL..

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Old 08-24-2024, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by Happy View Post
And boy it sounds dreamy! LoL..
Thanks bro. I still have a small alternator whine, but ordered an Audiocontrol Matrix that I'm going to try and use to get a cleaner audio signal to the DSP. If that's not it... must be something with the wiring. I'll find it eventually. When I have time to work on it anyway. It's a minor whine that I don't notice most of the time.

Here you go OP. I removed my previous post that had DSP pinout. Sorry for the size, I wanted it easy to read and/or print. This is the correct pinout for the "HiFi Loudspeaker System" vehicle option 676. Also, I verified that the wire colors DO NOT change between the amp and the door. At least not according to the diagrams.

Name:  business amp pinout.jpg
Views: 61
Size:  710.4 KB
2005 X5 4.4i Build 04/05 Maintenance/Build Log
Nav, Pano, Sport (Purchased 06/14 w/ 109,000 miles) (Sold 8/15 w/121,000 miles)

2006 X5 4.8is Build 11/05 Maintenance/Build Log
Nav, DSP, Pano, Running Boards, OEM Tow Hitch, Cold Weather Pckg (Purchased 08/15 w/ 90,500 miles)

2010 X5 35d Build 02/10
Nav, HiFi, 6 DVD, Sports Pckg, Cold Weather Pckg, HUD, CAS, Running Boards, Leather Dash, PDC, Pano (Purchased 03/17 w/ 136,120 miles)

Last edited by crystalworks; 08-24-2024 at 07:54 PM.
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Old 08-25-2024, 09:26 AM
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Wow crystalworks! When it comes to electrical work, I'd rather do a M54 starter swap!

A chart like that makes it so simple. A single male/female connector with enough pins makes an upgrade easier. Especially to add a big woofer amp. I'll start looking for a connector.

Thanks for all the input! I'll have to put this project off for a bit. I have two HKA codes to deal with. Plus a hitch install to complete. I'll add to this post when I come back around to this project. I'll make notes to add to my X5 notebook.
'06 X5 3.0i - bought @143,123 miles (12/26/20)
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Old 08-26-2024, 10:44 AM
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Originally Posted by X5chemist View Post
Wow crystalworks! When it comes to electrical work, I'd rather do a M54 starter swap!

A chart like that makes it so simple. A single male/female connector with enough pins makes an upgrade easier. Especially to add a big woofer amp. I'll start looking for a connector.

Thanks for all the input! I'll have to put this project off for a bit. I have two HKA codes to deal with. Plus a hitch install to complete. I'll add to this post when I come back around to this project. I'll make notes to add to my X5 notebook.
No problem. I found the easiest way to find a suitable connector was to just buy a non-functional amp on Ebay. I have a whole thread about how I made my adapter. Have a read through if you're interested. Spoiler: it took some time.

2005 X5 4.4i Build 04/05 Maintenance/Build Log
Nav, Pano, Sport (Purchased 06/14 w/ 109,000 miles) (Sold 8/15 w/121,000 miles)

2006 X5 4.8is Build 11/05 Maintenance/Build Log
Nav, DSP, Pano, Running Boards, OEM Tow Hitch, Cold Weather Pckg (Purchased 08/15 w/ 90,500 miles)

2010 X5 35d Build 02/10
Nav, HiFi, 6 DVD, Sports Pckg, Cold Weather Pckg, HUD, CAS, Running Boards, Leather Dash, PDC, Pano (Purchased 03/17 w/ 136,120 miles)
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Old 09-01-2024, 10:05 AM
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CX360.4 4 channel amplifier. Any opinions on the the CX360.4? I can upgrade the woofers to 4 ohm. What would happen to 2 ohm upper door speakers?
How many channels does an amp need to power all the speakers? 10 speakers in a business CD SAV, right?
'06 X5 3.0i - bought @143,123 miles (12/26/20)
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Old 09-01-2024, 09:47 PM
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Originally Posted by X5chemist View Post
CX360.4 4 channel amplifier. Any opinions on the the CX360.4? I can upgrade the woofers to 4 ohm. What would happen to 2 ohm upper door speakers?
How many channels does an amp need to power all the speakers? 10 speakers in a business CD SAV, right?
That's a nice 4 channel amp. Always liked Kicker gear, especially the old Stillwater Designs days. But anywho, how were you planning on using that amp? Meaning what were you planning on hooking up to the 4 channels?

10 channels of amplification is only required if you are trying to go "full active." Basically that means a dedicated channel of amplification for each driver and the individual crossover settings that go with it. Totally not required for good audio. And really only recommended if you are going nuts with a full audiophile build. At which point I'd recommend a DSP amplifier or standalone.

BTW, if you go full active... lol you end up with something that looks like this unless you go with the new tiny Class D 4 channel amps. It sounds amazing... but it's not really practical for most ppl if you know what I mean.

Name:  Audio Install 166.jpg
Views: 36
Size:  663.5 KB
2005 X5 4.4i Build 04/05 Maintenance/Build Log
Nav, Pano, Sport (Purchased 06/14 w/ 109,000 miles) (Sold 8/15 w/121,000 miles)

2006 X5 4.8is Build 11/05 Maintenance/Build Log
Nav, DSP, Pano, Running Boards, OEM Tow Hitch, Cold Weather Pckg (Purchased 08/15 w/ 90,500 miles)

2010 X5 35d Build 02/10
Nav, HiFi, 6 DVD, Sports Pckg, Cold Weather Pckg, HUD, CAS, Running Boards, Leather Dash, PDC, Pano (Purchased 03/17 w/ 136,120 miles)
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Old 09-02-2024, 09:18 AM
Join Date: Jun 2021
Location: Austin, TX
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I have no idea on how to connect 10 speakers to the amp! The RCA connections can go to a 10" woofer. Right? My brother recommended the amp. He upgrade his Bose equipped Chevy with one. It sounds great.
'06 X5 3.0i - bought @143,123 miles (12/26/20)
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