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Old 02-03-2025, 02:55 PM
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Saskatchewan Canada
Posts: 2,407
80stech is on a distinguished road
@TriX5 maybe pull and wiggle on the connector a bit to make sure that's OK. Maybe re-routing the wires put some some stress on the connection.
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Old 02-03-2025, 03:16 PM
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Thanks all for pitching in. Last night I went over it many times in my head, thinking about what I had worked on in respect of the engine. Seeing the comment about stumbling with possible CPS problems put me on track to resolving this. Especially the fact that it consistently happened a very specific RPM made me think of interference.

In 2018 when I had the engine out, I considered replacing the CPS sensors but at the time I had already spent a lot of cash and decided against it. Last year the ignition coils went bad showing me that electrical stuff on the engine degrades. Last night I stumbled on a brand new set of OEM CPS sensors for a knock down price from a reputable supplier. I am sure the old ones degraded to some degree since the factory put them on in 2003..... When the new ones come in I will put them in but will still route the wires separately just to be sure.
2003 4.4i black ext./black int./black headliner (kid's runabout)
2014 535d X-drive, M package, silver/black interior

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2009 E70 35d, black ext./black int./black headliner (sold 2021)
2006 4.8iS Le Mans blue/cream int./black headliner, SOLD in 2012 sadly...

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Old 02-03-2025, 05:08 PM
Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: Saskatchewan Canada
Posts: 2,407
80stech is on a distinguished road
I would still have a look at the connectors just to make sure. Often if the wires have been pulled or stressed or someone has been previously prodding and probing the connection can be compromised and "seem" to be fixed, sometimes by replacing the sensor. That also brings up the possibility of a poor quality replacement sensor that doesn't have good contact pins!
1988 325is (purchased new) sold
2004 X5 3.0 2005 X3 2.5
2008 X5 3.0 (new to me)
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Old 02-05-2025, 04:36 PM
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I did a wiggle test on the leads of both CPS but got no indication of issues. However, on slightly longer drive I did get still a bit of a stumble at 2300 rpm. So, I guess at a fuller heat soak there is still and issue though less than before. Today my new cam sensors came in and am about to go out and install them.
2003 4.4i black ext./black int./black headliner (kid's runabout)
2014 535d X-drive, M package, silver/black interior

Sold but not forgotten:
2009 E70 35d, black ext./black int./black headliner (sold 2021)
2006 4.8iS Le Mans blue/cream int./black headliner, SOLD in 2012 sadly...

Other hardware:
2015 Cayenne S (wife's new DD and definitely wroooommmmm)
2016 Tundra 1794 edition crew cab, luxo hauler
2005 Tundra crew cab, weekend hauler. Sold after 150k very happy miles.
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Old 02-05-2025, 05:47 PM
Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Arid Zona
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BimmerBreaker is on a distinguished road
Yeah there is no way there is "interference" between the two lines causing that, something else is going on... those particular sensors are really are not that sensitive to interference anyways

If it is a wire is damaged along the way somewhere, hopefully it's sensor side, if the sensors don't fix it, then you will need to look at the wiring harness.

I suspect something else is going on, the M62 in particular is very sensitive about CPS sensors - if cams are timed off even a couple degrees the sensors throw a fit and trigger codes. If the misfiring was CPS related it'd likely be throwing codes.
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Old Yesterday, 12:53 PM
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I'm a bit at a loss what is happening, wondering if the throttle body is involved. The problem is way less now than when I first drove the car after re-installing the engine. This morning I rerouted the wires that cross in front of the engine.

Two things of note, the engine has to be fully warm, around ten miles before any issues arise and happens around 2250 rpms. I should probably check the coils, they are almost new but I did take them off to change the plugs. If it still is a problem I need to make sure there isn't a problem in the fuel system.
2003 4.4i black ext./black int./black headliner (kid's runabout)
2014 535d X-drive, M package, silver/black interior

Sold but not forgotten:
2009 E70 35d, black ext./black int./black headliner (sold 2021)
2006 4.8iS Le Mans blue/cream int./black headliner, SOLD in 2012 sadly...

Other hardware:
2015 Cayenne S (wife's new DD and definitely wroooommmmm)
2016 Tundra 1794 edition crew cab, luxo hauler
2005 Tundra crew cab, weekend hauler. Sold after 150k very happy miles.
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