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Old 03-01-2006, 07:20 AM
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Angel Eyes ring sizing problem low beam - pre facelift

I am halfway through the angel eyes install on my pre facelift Xenon headlamps. I am having problems with the fitting of the angel eyes which I think is due to the sizing of the angel eyes.
I got the angel eyes from Bavarian Motorwerks and asked for the full ring version (as opposed to the horseshoe) for the low beam.
The only way I have found to fit them is to silicon them to the front waffles which doesn't look so good when the eyes are off. Also I would prefer to remove the waffles if possible so how can they be secured then as they don't fit to the outside of the black surround?
Judging from other installs I've seen on here my eyes don't fit properly, the diameters of the low beam and high beam eyes respectively are 10.5cm and 14.5cm (roughly) - what should they be?

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Old 03-01-2006, 09:37 AM
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IMHO return them and get the chromiums from Jlevi.
They seem to be better then ones you've got.
Good luck w/ it.
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Old 03-27-2006, 03:19 PM
Join Date: Apr 2005
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flyingmachine is on a distinguished road
I also got my angel eyes kit from them. The kit in your pictures was what I intended to get in their ebay listings. But they asked me to choose from 2 kits after I paid them. So, I ended up getting a different kit that has bigger rings than those in your picture. Both hi/low beam rings go around the inner black plastic piece.

Try to ask them for exchange if you haven't installed. Don't know why they didn't list the other kit in their listing.

Originally Posted by staffop
I am halfway through the angel eyes install on my pre facelift Xenon headlamps. I am having problems with the fitting of the angel eyes which I think is due to the sizing of the angel eyes.
I got the angel eyes from Bavarian Motorwerks and asked for the full ring version (as opposed to the horseshoe) for the low beam.
The only way I have found to fit them is to silicon them to the front waffles which doesn't look so good when the eyes are off. Also I would prefer to remove the waffles if possible so how can they be secured then as they don't fit to the outside of the black surround?
Judging from other installs I've seen on here my eyes don't fit properly, the diameters of the low beam and high beam eyes respectively are 10.5cm and 14.5cm (roughly) - what should they be?

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Old 03-27-2006, 06:41 PM
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Yep. Those look like they're intended for another model- or an old kit that was never quite right (many suppliers seemed to sell smaller rings a couple years ago, but hace since upsized to full diameter. They should fit on the black surround behind the waffles. Either thin strips of strong double tape or silicone adhesive (can be removed if need be) should do it.

Fixing them to the waffles seems like too big a compromise considering the work of opening them up. If it's any consolation, I received my Chromiums within 48 hrs of ordering (in CA). Bavarian should take them back IMO.
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