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Old 11-07-2010, 11:42 AM
X5kindathing's Avatar
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I recently bought my 2006 Titanium Silver (36K miles) with full Dinan Cold Air/Software and Exhaust and the result is simply nothing short of phenomenal. You say you grin when you start up the X5, well with the Dinan Exhaust I have a full blown belly laugh! Deep yet very european refined growl that only German V8 know how to produce. To this date I still find every excuse to drive the X5 around the corner for a loaf of bread or whatever...

Originally Posted by paulgt3 View Post
I love this truck. I have had 2 Porsche GT3's and now my 09 Carerra S
with PDK. The best car I have ever driven PERIOD. But I have to say
when I get in my truck and start it up, I get a big smile! Its so much fun
and for a truck its almost not fair. I can drive my 911 every day if I want.
But I get in this truck and I get in a mood where I drive it for a week or longer
before I get back to the 911.

Hey does anybody have a list of Mods we should do? Like what are the upgrades we can do like Dinan?
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Old 11-10-2010, 02:22 AM
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Hey all,
I'm looking to replace my OE tires, I own an '04 E53, 4.8is. The rear tires are about to their limit and looking for something similar in performance, and maybe a little bit more quiet. Those Michelin Diamaris are pretty awesome to look at but slightly loud on the highway. I've done a few searches and heard a few people talking about the Vredestein Sessanta are a pretty nice set. I live in Northern CA and aside from the rare trips to Tahoe, I don't plan on doing much of snow driving.
In any case, what are you guys recommending out there? What's the most bang for your bucks? What are you impressing on Michelin Lattitude, Toyo proxes etc..
Any feedback would be gladly appreciated.
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Old 11-10-2010, 10:40 AM
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Ive got the toyos up front and sessanta's in the rear. Some have said the sessanta's dont last very long but i think that verdict is still out based on the fact they are cheaper also. I havent had mine very long but the tires were almost new when i bought the car so i cant really speak for longevity but ive always had good luck with any toyo tires. The toyos are a little noisey but the car being all wheel drive the combination of proxxes up front and the sessantas in back ive already had pretty good luck with this combo on snow and ice if that helps. The tires overall now matter what tread pattern wont be ideal because they are so wide. Its kinda like having traction up front and race in the back with this combo. But if you know how to drive in those conditions you shouldnt have much of an issue. IMHO. When its time for me to get new tires I will probably get either the all bridgestone setup or toyo all the way around, whichever i can get a better deal on. FWIW
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Old 11-10-2010, 12:12 PM
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I 100% recommend the Toyos - we have them on both X5 is's and they are wonderful tires. They even perform decently in the snow to the point that I'm going to skip snow tires this year.
12 X5 M - 06 X5 4.8iS - 03 X5 4.4i - 03 M5 - 02 X5 4.6is - 99 M3 Dinan S3 - 98 M3 - 92 850i-6 - 92 850i - 91 325ix - 89 M3 2.5 - and a few parts cars
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Old 11-13-2010, 08:49 PM
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No turn signals with Driving lights on

Hey folks I have heard that it is possible through software programming to force the turn signals to be off while the Driving lights are on. Is there some other configuration that the software can be set to that way? For instance I would love to have the driving lights on all the time meaning only the angels and nothing else every time the car is on.

Thanks guys.
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Old 11-13-2010, 10:07 PM
Join Date: Sep 2010
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neockder is on a distinguished road
Not sure, sounds like you'd have to modify the LkM, or reroute the angel eyes to its own switch and power source
528e28 - e34 535iM - e53 4.8is
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Old 11-24-2010, 03:27 PM
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Originally Posted by nom3rcy View Post
I 100% recommend the Toyos - we have them on both X5 is's and they are wonderful tires. They even perform decently in the snow to the point that I'm going to skip snow tires this year.
I spoke too soon! The recent snowfall we had was too much for the Toyos!

If you are in a more moderate climate than MN you'll probably be fine, but I decided to play it safe and get some snow tires.

Obligatory picture:

12 X5 M - 06 X5 4.8iS - 03 X5 4.4i - 03 M5 - 02 X5 4.6is - 99 M3 Dinan S3 - 98 M3 - 92 850i-6 - 92 850i - 91 325ix - 89 M3 2.5 - and a few parts cars
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Old 11-25-2010, 03:34 PM
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Driven is an unknown quantity at this point

Great looking setup! I have Toyos on my 4.8is and am gonna give them a try this winter in CA. I would like to do a winter wheel set at some point when I frequent the mountain more than a few times during the season.

What wheel/tire/size combination are you using there? Any Spacers?

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Old 12-24-2010, 01:33 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
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rneedham1979 is on a distinguished road
I had the Damaris installed at 37k miles. With roughly 53k on the clock, I needed new tires, which I was not pleased about. I did a little reading and opted to go with the Michelin Latitudes. They are fantastic. The X5 currently has 84k on and it the tires still look new. Plenty of thread remaining and are fantastic in the now or slipper road conditions.

I was caught in NH during a 5" snow storm, the car had the Damaris on them and I felt very sketched. The X5 was definitely all very the place. The latitudes are leaps and bounds better in the snow. I have never felt uneasy in the snow or icy road conditions since I installed them and they still handle remarkably on a dry surface.

Transitioning from the Damaris to the Latitude was a great choice and I don't feel I lost any turning, safety or braking performance at all.

Originally Posted by Ben2.0 View Post
Ive got the toyos up front and sessanta's in the rear. Some have said the sessanta's dont last very long but i think that verdict is still out based on the fact they are cheaper also. I havent had mine very long but the tires were almost new when i bought the car so i cant really speak for longevity but ive always had good luck with any toyo tires. The toyos are a little noisey but the car being all wheel drive the combination of proxxes up front and the sessantas in back ive already had pretty good luck with this combo on snow and ice if that helps. The tires overall now matter what tread pattern wont be ideal because they are so wide. Its kinda like having traction up front and race in the back with this combo. But if you know how to drive in those conditions you shouldnt have much of an issue. IMHO. When its time for me to get new tires I will probably get either the all bridgestone setup or toyo all the way around, whichever i can get a better deal on. FWIW
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Old 12-24-2010, 05:46 PM
TwinsPoppa's Avatar
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Wow, sounds pretty amazing. Might have to look into those Mitchy Lats next time I need tires.
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