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Old 01-11-2010, 10:28 PM
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: Sydney, Australia
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Exclamation Flickering Battery Light. Alternator Problem?

I wanted to see if any of you have seen a similar problem. For the last several months my X5 ('02 4.4 L) with about 145,000 KMs has had a flickering battery light. It appears seemingly at random, but exclusively when in a low idle. It is a flicker and not a solid red battery light.

I've searched the forum and can't seem to find anything on the topic, but I asked my mechanic (not the BMW dealership) and he thought it was the alternator. I have had occasions where the battery has been flat after sitting around for a few days so I suspect he is right but I wanted to see if anyone else had a similar experience that was fixed with an alternator.

If it is an alternator issue - I see these are quite expensive (especially here in Australia)

Part II - Are re-manufactured Alternators an alright option to save $$?

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Old 04-07-2010, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by X5intheLandDownUnder View Post
I wanted to see if any of you have seen a similar problem. For the last several months my X5 ('02 4.4 L) with about 145,000 KMs has had a flickering battery light. It appears seemingly at random, but exclusively when in a low idle. It is a flicker and not a solid red battery light.

I've searched the forum and can't seem to find anything on the topic, but I asked my mechanic (not the BMW dealership) and he thought it was the alternator. I have had occasions where the battery has been flat after sitting around for a few days so I suspect he is right but I wanted to see if anyone else had a similar experience that was fixed with an alternator.

If it is an alternator issue - I see these are quite expensive (especially here in Australia)

Part II - Are re-manufactured Alternators an alright option to save $$?

Mate, Checkout www.mybimmer.com.au
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Old 04-07-2010, 01:29 AM
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Get onto www.e38.org for unlock the OBC and then you can see the voltage on the OBC as you're idling, driving, etc.

650hp 10 X5///M - Stage 2, Vibrant 1794's , gutted cats, custom intake, AC Forged 22's
325hp 98 BMW 740iL - ///M5 6spd, www.bavengine.com w/ Performance Option, electric fan, CF intake tube w/ heatshield, Mag 14816 w/ notched bumper, Bilstein/H&R Stage II/Powerflex

600+hp 02 Harley F150 - MHP900 Stage 3 engine, KB2.3, 8# lower, 60# inj, Walbro FP's

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Old 04-07-2010, 03:08 PM
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Happened with my e39. At idle the light would turn on and off. Revving the engine would turn it completely off.

Alternator is on its way out.
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Old 04-07-2010, 03:16 PM
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As others have said, the alternator is probably going bad.

However, on rare occasions, it can be due to poor or corroded connections at the alternator, so it's worth a shot to check/clean the connectors and terminals at the alternator end of things.

Keep track of the voltage at different engine RPMs for further confirmation.
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Old 04-07-2010, 06:46 PM
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I have a 2006 X5 of which I am 3rd owner. The machine had 41K on it when I purchased it. A few months after I had it I noticed the battery light would flicker now and then. I didn't think much of it until I had a problem with my cruise control dropping out after it was set. Each time it dropped out I noted battery light flickering.
Well before I had a chance to check alternator voltage the machine died at a traffic light, dash board lit up like a xmas tree and it would not start. It would turn over but would not fire.
Problem was isolated to a bad ignition switch module p/n 61-32-6-901-961.
Just figured I throw this in just in case battery and alternator checked out OK.
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Old 04-08-2010, 12:07 AM
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Could also be the voltage regulator.
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Old 04-10-2010, 06:20 PM
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The regulator isn't a seperate item, so it can't be replaced. It'll require replacement of the entire alternator, which will also require some coolant as well since the alternator is water cooled. Fun job that should take about 3hrs.

I still say the OP needs to unlock the OBC and watch the voltage...it could be something as simple as a bad connection at the battery, and it wouldn't be the first time I've read about it being something like that. Undo the connection, clean them and reattach.

650hp 10 X5///M - Stage 2, Vibrant 1794's , gutted cats, custom intake, AC Forged 22's
325hp 98 BMW 740iL - ///M5 6spd, www.bavengine.com w/ Performance Option, electric fan, CF intake tube w/ heatshield, Mag 14816 w/ notched bumper, Bilstein/H&R Stage II/Powerflex

600+hp 02 Harley F150 - MHP900 Stage 3 engine, KB2.3, 8# lower, 60# inj, Walbro FP's

135hp 01 TL1000R - M4 full exhaust, K&N, Yosh box, -1/+2 gears, 2CT's
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Old 04-10-2010, 08:14 PM
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I don't know for sure about the M62/N62, but the M54 has an alternator with a separate voltage regulator.
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alternator, battery light, flickering

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