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Old 01-17-2024, 11:56 PM
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Georgia
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sidneyj is on a distinguished road
Originally Posted by LA02MAX View Post
I just did my headliner in alcantara as well, and love it! Getting the headliner in and out was relatively simple....but re-covering it was very difficult. That OEM glue on the pillars and the sunroof shades is naaaaasty.

I can confirm that my shade sits like yours when it's fully retracted. Nice work!
Nice! What color did you do yours in? I wasn’t about to try and install the material myself. Maybe I would’ve if I did it with an inexpensive suede.

Thanks for confirming the shade position. I was confident I re-installed everything correctly.

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Old 01-18-2024, 05:18 PM
Join Date: Jan 2024
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Well probably a few you know what this is. Yesterday I got it all disassembled like this. "Remove rear glass panel mechanic"

Tonight I'll clean and grease it once I get back later. And tomorrow I'm going to attempt reassembly and fit the cassette back up.

My plan is to put it back up with the glass and be able to drive the car finally, this winter beater I bought for the winter, that ended up being a convertible. It'd be nice to drive it more than a hundred feet

I found most of the upper interior pieces in black, and I found a local guy to reupholster the headliner and headliner shade. The whole interior is black, except for the upper roof area it's this very light gray, and the headliner is terribly water stained. I hate to waste time with fabric nonsense right now but there's no way I could put this back up. It's got to be done. The water stain is really bad, I think that's a big part of why the original owner sold the car. So I'll end up just driving it without the headliner for a while, and then later put the shade and everything back up. It'll be so much better with complete black interior.
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Last edited by Factory6speed; 01-18-2024 at 06:14 PM.
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Old 01-19-2024, 05:56 PM
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Originally Posted by Henn28 View Post
So you have two complete diffs, both front and back, in the ratio you want? I thought you wanted to swap ring gears and pinions, sorry.

I think it should work just fine other than your speedometer being off. Lots and lots of final drive swap threads over on bimmerforums.com. I bet you could find the details there. I’d love to know definitively too.
Yes, two complete diffs, front and back, in the ratio I want.

I'll check there. Thanks!
X5 4.6 2002 Black Sap, Black interior. 2013 X5M Melbourne Red, Bamboo interior
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Old 01-19-2024, 06:07 PM
Join Date: Aug 2012
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Nokian snow tires went on last week before we got the snow and single digit temps here in Detroit.

have been having a random code that I can clear and then shows back up weeks or months later AE Cat Efficenct Bank 2 along with a pre cat bank 2
post cat sensor was reading way low most of the time and doing strange stuff looking at data so thought it was time to replace it. Well, got an exhaust leak at the flange and since the O2 is right at the flange it was probably sucking in air causing the really lean I was seeing(0.07V) if we ever get warm again I might slop some RTV on it so I can get to warmer weather in the spring.
2004 X5(E53) 3.0L
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Old 01-19-2024, 08:32 PM
Join Date: Feb 2023
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Originally Posted by Factory6speed View Post
Well probably a few you know what this is. Yesterday I got it all disassembled like this. "Remove rear glass panel mechanic"

Tonight I'll clean and grease it once I get back later. And tomorrow I'm going to attempt reassembly and fit the cassette back up.

My plan is to put it back up with the glass and be able to drive the car finally, this winter beater I bought for the winter, that ended up being a convertible. It'd be nice to drive it more than a hundred feet

I found most of the upper interior pieces in black, and I found a local guy to reupholster the headliner and headliner shade. The whole interior is black, except for the upper roof area it's this very light gray, and the headliner is terribly water stained. I hate to waste time with fabric nonsense right now but there's no way I could put this back up. It's got to be done. The water stain is really bad, I think that's a big part of why the original owner sold the car. So I'll end up just driving it without the headliner for a while, and then later put the shade and everything back up. It'll be so much better with complete black interior.

Wow what a mission!
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Old 01-21-2024, 12:06 PM
Join Date: Jun 2021
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While replacing the tank, I noticed the light assembly cover was broken again. The gorilla glue didn't hold. It will be a few days before replacements arrive. Not wanting to leave wires exposed to elements, I pulled out my plastic welding tool. The wiring is bad too. All wires have broken sheathing. Small wire loom is keeping wires from touching each other. The temporary welded cover should hold well.
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'06 X5 3.0i - bought @143,123 miles (12/26/20)
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Old 01-21-2024, 09:10 PM
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Today I got a pleasant surprise, suprise - the rear wiper stopped working 4 days ago amid the frigid temps in the Pacific North-West, but this morning it suddenly sprung to life and has been working all day. I was already shopping for a used wiper motor on ebay and was about to place an order. The rear washer worked but the wiper was dead. I removed the wiper and washer fuse (81), washer stopped working, put the fuse back, wahser working but wiper still dead. Then this morning it just started working, but the temps are now in the 40-50's, so may be that has played a role in reviving the wiper. I've never experienced anything like this in the past with all the cold temps.
'05 E53 X5 4.4i, '97 E39 528, '07 E92 335i, '16 F86 X6M.
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Old 01-21-2024, 09:30 PM
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I think it has a limit switch to know where to park/pause. That could have easily gotten stuck due to cold that'd be by working theory.

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2011 E70 • N55 (me)
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Old 01-22-2024, 12:08 PM
Join Date: Feb 2011
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I installed the G900 Wolfbox rearview mirror security cameras and ran the wires from rear (mounted the camera inside the x5) and also installed the cig plug-in that is supplied into the cig lighter power supply in right footwell for constant power and hid wires in A Pillar, properly, between freame and air-bags.
I swear, my cars are like a girlfriend.
Sometimes its a rough ride, sometimes its smooth motorin'.
Sometimes she doesnt like how i treat her and sometimes i dont like how she behaves.
BUT at the end of the day, she loves it when I am inside her.

'91 850i
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Old 01-22-2024, 09:06 PM
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Installed two new front sway bar links today. I’m happy to say the slow speed clunking I’ve been hearing is finally gone. I didn’t want to believe that sway bar links would fail within 2 years, but that is what seems to have happened. The left front tension strut for that matter was on its way out too (replaced a couple weeks ago with the Turner monoball struts). The roads are horrible in New Orleans, but I wonder too if the lift and Method wheels/tires contributed?

On the other hand, I think I could have swapped left and right links 2 years ago when I changed them, and maybe that brought about an early demise? I can’t fathom why there is a left and a right side to these things, but there is with the front sway bar links. Hopefully no up/down!

New inner and outer tie rods tomorrow, and a rear differential flush and refill with some LiquidMoly that finally arrived. It’s one synthetic gear oil that doesn’t include friction modifiers. Tough to find otherwise. I’m hopeful that nothing scary comes out of the diff, or is stuck to the magnetic plug.
Original owner 2002 E53 X5 4.4i to 4.6i swap
2025 G06 X5 50e
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Last edited by Henn28; 01-23-2024 at 08:41 AM.
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