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Old 08-30-2011, 07:27 PM
Weasel's Avatar
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My baby dumped me.... upside-down.

So I was doing a few victory slides after putting down the last piece of trim on the house we bought in Tickfaw, pulling off some perfect 4 wheel drifts in my 5 acre backyard when fate struck and my left rear tire lined up perfectly with a small section of root sticking across the surface of the ground.... where there aren't even any trees nearby... I had already let off and was only going maybe 15mph, but still had some sideways slide to me when I caught the root, and it blew out the tire, making the rim edge dig into the ground, and over she went. It was such a slow speed rollover that if I were able to get any of the power to the ground (I HATE you open differentials!) I would have drove right out of it with ease. (barely had enough momentum to get it over in the first place)

So I had absolutely no injuries, not even a scratch. But I can't say the same for my baby... the front of the hood, A-pillars, windshield, front of the roof, both front doors, left rear door, left front fender and rear quarter etc. all got damaged. The bad thing is after I crawled out I had to reach in there and shut her off, she was still running! Nothing deployed in the airbag department either, such a soft/slow roll. I used my tractor and a strap to flip her back on her wheels, and oddly enough all the doors and hatch still opened/closed, although the window rolled up outside of the door frame on the right front, and the left front couldn't roll up since the door was pinched by the mirror. Then she started right up and drove her back to the driveway. (only 1 flat tire, otherwise drivetrain and suspension fully intact)

So she was towed to a collision center yesterday, and I already got word today that she is totalled.
But at least I came out ahead with the insurance money, so I'm trying to see that as the silver lining... but I miss my beastly baby!

****NSFW pics below**** (you can see right up her skirt)

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RIP 4.6is.....

2003 4.6is
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Old 08-30-2011, 07:40 PM
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And as you can see I was still rolling on the 18" wheels, so the OEM 20" style 87's will be up for grabs soon. I also pulled out the BSW 8" sub box with infinity reference sub in it, would probably let that go too.

And until I make the time to finally put together and paint my re-acquired E36 325is I'm stuck driving my $500 farm truck (1990 F250, manual trans, beat to hell rattle trap hillbilly deluxe package with no radio, no ac, etc.)
"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all" (Bender, futurama)

You make something idiotproof, they'll make a better idiot

You think professional is expensive, just wait until you pay for amateur.

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.

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RIP 4.6is.....

2003 4.6is
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Old 08-30-2011, 07:54 PM
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Old 08-30-2011, 07:58 PM
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Wow. Sad to see you lose her. But then again, not exactly the smartest thing to be doing in an X5..

Are u planning on buying another..?
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Old 08-30-2011, 07:58 PM
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Weasel, my heart breaks for you. Glad you're OK, but it hurts to see the photos. Looking forward to seeing what you do with the e36.
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Old 08-30-2011, 08:06 PM
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Sorry to hear about your lose but that was a very funny story!
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Old 08-30-2011, 08:22 PM
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Sorry to hear. Last pic looks like you added an aerodynamic mod to the X5.
Get a 4.8is.
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Old 08-30-2011, 08:59 PM
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Holy shit! Glad you're ok!

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Old 08-30-2011, 09:24 PM
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DDAAAANNNNNNGGGGG Weasel. I'll bet that roll felt like a short eternity while you were thinking "ohhh crap!" glad you are OK.
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Old 08-30-2011, 09:31 PM
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Naz, tell me about it... I'm still beating myself up about it. Not buying another one yet, and I was likely to fix any issues and try selling her within the next year anyways... but I came out far enough ahead through insurance that I ended up better of financially than if I would have sold her anyways. Since I'm a week or two from living 55 miles from work/driving 110 miles a day the E36 gets literally 40% better fuel mileage than the 4.6is... I already have all the body parts and paint for the car, just gotta make time in the next couple weeks to paint the new parts, put it all together, then paint the rest of the car. Gotta make it look good to put 35-40k miles a year on it!

If y'all want a good laugh I should post a pic of my $500 farm truck I'm having to drive for now... the hillbilly deluxe

And all I wanted to do was celebrate the end of a years worth of weekends rebuilding a house from top to bottom... End of one era, beginning of another I guess.
"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all" (Bender, futurama)

You make something idiotproof, they'll make a better idiot

You think professional is expensive, just wait until you pay for amateur.

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.

Examine what is said, not who speaks.

X5 pics

RIP 4.6is.....

2003 4.6is

Last edited by Weasel; 08-30-2011 at 09:49 PM.
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