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Old 02-09-2012, 09:37 AM
Ricky Bobby's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Wake Forest, NC
Posts: 9,344
Ricky Bobby will become famous soon enough
*The Official E53 Manual Transmission Registry Thread*

I know we are a rare breed, and figuring since this is probably the biggest place for X enthusiasts to gather, I'd like to start up a list of E53's with 3 pedals so we can get an idea of how many are on the boards!

If you'd like, post up a picture of your car, and any fun stories about how long it took you to find an X in a stick, etc. I would also like to start a list for registering 2001-2003 5 speeds versus 2004-2006 6 speeds!

2000-2003 5 Speed Manual:

5-speed transmission, registered owners:
1: Ricky Bobby (NJ, 2003)
2: SarTech (WA, 2002)
3: johns (FL, 2002)
4: sedc (??, 2003)
5: motordavid (NC, 2001)
6: Phr3d (Midwest, 2001)
7: kaptain (WA, 2003)
8: cdowd (MI, 2003)
9: SkiTahoe (CA, 2003)
10: swindrum (BC-Canada, 2002)
11: pbe gummi bear (MA, 2002)
12: x5toker (??, 2002)
13: (NON XOUTPOST MEMBER) Rick McCain (MD, 2001)
14: (NON XOUTPOST MEMBER) Karl Namvary (MD, 2001)
15: Wired.Right (CA, 2001)
16: LDiggs910 (NY, 2001)
17: WkboardATX (TX, 2001)
18: jparrette (NY, 2002)
19: Coldswede (MI, 2001)
20: Critical Drew (WA, 2001)
21: DSAviate (FL, 2001)
22: jtatem (MA, 2001)
23: Benvette (AUSTRALIA, 2001)
24: Gregory891 (SWITZERLAND, 2002 3.0d)
25: smi2710 (NJ, 2001)
26: Happy (CA, 2002)
27: ruskie34e36 (ID, 2001)
28: SammyD (MA, 2003)
29: DillonInCO (CO, 2001)
30: DrRick (OR, 2003)
31: latenightflyby (IA, 2001)
32: Mpughjr (PA, 2001)
33: campy82 (CT, 2002)
34: tiicoupe (MA, 2003)
35: Bianca98 (WI, 2001)
36: degen (Sweden, 2001)
37: ccrider (MI, 2002)
38: Ojai5 (??, 2003)
39: ny x5 guy (NY, 2003)
40: Joshdub (WA, 2003)
41: franccesco30 (VA, 2001)
42: EH6TunerDaniel (TX, 2002)
43: Andrey1985 (Moldova, 2003)
44: Hawaii E53 (HI, 202)
45: squidzilla (UT, 2003)
46: bmwman528e (MI, 2003)
47: TECN1K (NY, 2002)
48: dabenthusiast (CA, 2001)
49: Emory39 (CO, 2001)
50: Razor0368 (Croatia, 2001)
51: NJBiddle (TN, 2003)
52: j_thiel (WI, 2002)
53: mpjensen87 (IA, 2001)
54: Pueseso (Europe, 2000)
55: Hcbeck2689 (NC, 2002)
56: BMWGal76 (CT, 2003)

10/2003 (2004-2006) 6 Speed Manual:

6-speed transmission registered owners:
1: rwilson (RI, 2006)
2: ThomHart (NJ, 2005)
3: GreenDragon (UT, 2004)
4: Technomage (NY, 2004)
5: XVII (NY, 2004)
6: 95M3Gretchen_&_06X5Rolf (MD, 2006)
7: GABRIEL (SC/Germany, 2006)
8: NJ04e53 (NJ, 2004)
9: BMW Full Garage (IL, 2006)
10: adair914 (OH, 2004)
11: Bayerische E53 (FL, 2005)
12: rotorhead (CO, 2006)
13: E30Jason (GA, 2004)
14: racebmwm3 (NJ, 2005)
15: f_asiimwe (UK, 2006)
16: Northernlight (UK, 2006 3.0d)
17: Gavski (VA, 2004)
18: Skip Maclean (????, CA)
19: skialex (CA, 2004)
20: Riggodeaux (GA, 2006)
21: Mcurcio1989 (OH, 2004)
22: GRBE53 (WI, 2005)
23: Rohin13 (CO, 2004)
24: Brads2002 (NH, 2005)
25: cn90 (WA, 2006)
26: Moments (United Kingdom, 2005)
27: petebmwm (NJ, 2006)
28: javamon (WV, 2006)
29: cragglemiester (United Kingdom, 2007)
30: tecboy99 (MN, 2004)
31: tonycajjo (CT, 2006)
32: bluejeansonfire (FL, 2004)
33: BSundownerC23 (MA, 2004)
34: Astroboy (NY, 2004)
35: ///Mikey (IL, 2006)

Hope this thread can be beneficial to the community!

Last edited by Ricky Bobby; 03-30-2017 at 12:04 PM.
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Old 02-09-2012, 10:26 AM
SarTech's Avatar
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I will add our X to the three pedal list.
2002 3.0i
5 speed

We purchased it in December, looked long and hard for a manual. So far we are very happy with it. Rediscovering the joy of driving.
When I purchased it I knew the rear suspension bushings were worn out. I think that is why the owner traded it in. Replaced them last week, the car is even better.
I would think that the manuals are harder on the rear bushing due to a more aggressive shifting.

Last edited by SarTech; 02-09-2012 at 12:39 PM.
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Old 02-09-2012, 02:12 PM
rwilson's Avatar
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2006 6sp with 79,000 miles
purchased Feb. 2010 after 6 month search in Boston Area

pictured with Winter wheel setup, running with staggered 214's in the summer
Attached Images
Rich Wilson

Last edited by rwilson; 02-09-2012 at 02:17 PM.
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Old 02-09-2012, 02:45 PM
MINIz guy's Avatar
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I would love a manual transmission X5, or X3 for that matter. It seems out out of character for a SUV to have a stick and makes it so much more unique. Driving a manual is so much fun too! Too bad you can't autocross an X5 otherwise I probably would be out of this Impreza and back into another X5 or X3.
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Old 02-09-2012, 03:02 PM
Join Date: Jan 2006
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ThomHart is on a distinguished road
Add Mine to the List.....

2005 X5 6 speed with lots of options but no nav. Has sport package, drives like a sports car. 115,000 miles and going strong. Bought it at 10,000 and had CPO warranty until 100,000. Like new, willl keep it forever.
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Old 02-09-2012, 05:31 PM
Green Dragon's Avatar
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Add me..... Currently in a 2004 Kalahari Beige Metallic Manual 6-speed. Picked it up a month ago after sadly sending my 2001 Boston Green Metallic Manual 5-speed to BMW hell after a collision. It took 6 months to find my '01. It was loaded with sport, prem, nav, DSP,and privacy with the only exception of not having the cold climate package. 145k.

However, after searching for a month I found a perfect replacement with the right amount of compromise which I never thought would happen. Turns out the previous owner is a member of this board, and made a few fine upgrades. AFE Intake, Conforti Shark Injector Chip, free flow mufflers with some nice exhaust tips to round it out. He also added a tow package with a brake controller. Full Credit to FullTilt. 112k with Cold Climate, Nav, and Premium packages. Very clean.
I will post some pics soon. Stainless steel headers are next.

If you want to know my initial impressions from going from the 5-speed to the 6-speed with x-drive I can share. Just be careful with your manual-X. They are a rare breed and among the best in my book.
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Old 02-09-2012, 07:07 PM
johns's Avatar
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2002 188k miles. Ordered it fall 2001, took delivery 11/2001. Only options were cruise control, 18 wheels, premium sound. It's been worked pretty hard but still looks great.
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Old 02-10-2012, 01:17 AM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: OH
Posts: 52
sedc is on a distinguished road
8/03 production with 153k. All options but dsp and nav, xenons, rear heated seats and sport pack. Just installed the factory tow kit and about to pull a dual axle 5000 pound trailer 1400 miles this weekend, hope my clutch survives

/clutch survived

Last edited by sedc; 11-15-2015 at 06:03 AM.
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Old 02-10-2012, 04:58 PM
Ricky Bobby's Avatar
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Ricky Bobby will become famous soon enough
Originally Posted by Green Dragon View Post
Add me..... Currently in a 2004 Kalahari Beige Metallic Manual 6-speed.

Was your car on ebay a few months ago? I remember seeing a beige one out west but passed on it because of location, but i remember it was owned by an enthusiast, had mufflers and intake!

I hope the mods can sticky this thread someday so we can have a one stop source of info for manual transmission owners!
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Old 02-11-2012, 06:47 PM
Phr3d's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: midwest
Posts: 334
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2001 topaz & tan, 123456 miles, lovin' it.
4.8 Exhaust, DEPO AE's & clears all, under-plate, OZ wheels.

short shift/flywheel/clutch pkg on order, searching for 3.64 diffs.

Pics here:
Originally Posted by Phr3d View Post
at long last, time for of quick photo-op before cotillion.. almost 11 with 120k:
or, sort of, here:
Originally Posted by Phr3d View Post
.. do You.. recalllll... the LEAST famous...
reindeer.. of alllll...
carpe` cevesi

01 topaz e53 3i 5m 120k mi =
$9.7K + $2.4K when seller says "needs nothing" (131K)

Drew Cary: I love driving stewpid in hella thunderstorms.. I roll stop-signs.. get pulled over, the high-school cop says, "Do you know why I pulled you over?"
I say, "Sure.. do you know why I did it?"

2012 Election: Congress has determined that government beatings of all taxpayers must continue until morale has improved

Gone: '67 Galaxie LTD 2D aqua, 72 Pinto, 76 Elite, e12 track.. long road

Last edited by Phr3d; 02-11-2012 at 06:56 PM.
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